MSFS Avatar folder location


Does anyone know where the folders for the individual avatars are located, the ones containing the texture and model data for
each of the individual avatars #1 TO #24? I found the location once before, and was able to modify the files, but the updates
restored the files, and now I can't remember where they are, or the post that gave their location.

What I want to do, and what I did before, was to remove the model data for one of the avatars while leaving the avatar's folder
(the last time I chose #24, the last one, as being easiest to remember). Doing this would make that avatar invisible from the
external view when chosen, and so would would give an invisible copilot if I wanted to fly the plane with pilot only.

I know you can change the [Pilot] section for each individual plane to make copilots disappear in the external view, but being able
to use an invisible avatar as required is a lot easier.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knew. I'm using Steam MSFS, so I do have some access to the Official folder, but I seem
to recall the location of the avatar folders was somewhere else. However, I might be wrong.

Thanks - RobM
Thanks loads, Tom, that worked great.

In case anyone else wants to do this, the descriptions of the various avatars in General Options-Misc seems to have been lost.
However, avatar #24, the last one, is "model.Pilot_Female_Uniform_Indian". I created a sub-folder inside that folder, and moved
all the contents of "model.Pilot_Female_Uniform_Indian" into it. Now whenever I choose avatar #24, whether for Pilot, Copilot,
or Instructor, the avatar is invisible from the external view (I saved the contents in case I might ever want a female uniformed
Indian pilot). Of course, after any update, I'll have to re-do this change.

You can choose another avatar to be invisible, but without the descriptions in General Options-Misc, you'll have to figure out which
avatar number matches which model.Pilot.

Note that you can't change the avatar in flight; you have to go out to the main menu and then back into the sim for the avatar
change to take effect.

This is for Steam MSFS. I'm not certain whether you can make the same changes to the Official folder in Marketplace MSFS.

Thanks again Tom.

- Bob