MSFS Coming to Xbox on July 27


They just announced the date at the Xbox game presentation this morning.

And... a free Top Gun add-on to coincide with Maverick's release!

I know some of y'all think that appealing to the Xbox audience is a negative, but I don't think so. If it brings in new players, if it gives developers of add-on planes and scenery a bigger opportunity to make money, if it gives MS more incentive to pour development money into MSFS, these are all good things. It's also bringing stuff like the Honeycomb controls to the Xbox One X, so you can play the sim on your 75-inch TV.

An Xbox Series X (if you can find one) is $499 and it will run MSFS well, I'm sure. Price of entry is lower, market is bigger, this is all good for our hobby.

This perspective comes from my time as a journalist covering the flight sim market; I think it's good for the genre. If it's successful, we might see more developers working on FS content, civilian and combat.

(PS: It's Xbox, not X-Box, X Box, or XBox. :)
Xbox version trailer. Set to start at the Top Gun Maverick add-on, since I know y'all know what the sim looks like. :)


Looks like we'll get an F/A-18E and the imaginary stealth fighter.
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Check out 0:45 and on in the trailer -- looks like water effects (and snow/dirt) are finally coming soon!
I'm underwhelmed Denny.........:indecisiveness:

And 100% the reaction I expect here. :)

But personally, I have an Xbox Series X, so I'm looking forward to VFR sightseeing on my 65" TV. And if this is successful on Xbox, it'll help prevent MS from abandoning the series again down the road. (With the dependence on servers, it can't all be propped up by third parties like FSX was.) All good stuff.
It looks like we're going to get the 'Acceleration Pack' addon after all - sans helicopters and sling loads...Still Good News

no weapons or hard points on that F-18E Cadillac - but cats n traps will still be fun, and air to air refueling if it can be added would be good enough for me.

dust trails on take-off / landing on dirt or grass as well as wake effects and spray (as long as they leave the 'chunks' out this time - All Good
Most of the people saying that the Xbox version is a bad thing have literally no idea what they are talking about. People who are completely out of touch and think that the only people who play games on a console are children with no attention spans who just want to shoot stuff. They make completely baseless assumptions that the PC version will suffer visual downgrades or that Asobo will start catering to the more casual crowd because of the console version, completely ignoring Asobo's efforts to do the exact opposite over the last 10 months.

Anyways, this trailer looks great. Lots of new liveries, floats, ski's, water and snow/dirt effects, possibly improved animal behaviour/placement, the carrier, F-18, whatever the hell that stealth thing... DX12 is supposed to be coming with the Xbox release, hopefully they can find a way to implement DLSS as that could bring a significant performance increase. The future of MSFS looks bright, I'm looking forward to the new content.
I'll admit that I have been both critic and friend to MSFS since its release. Often even within the same post. Opinions change with new information, corrections, and the passage of time.
I agree that this expansion looks good. These are features MSFS should have. Glad they're being added.
Excellent points and perspectives all around, Denny and AK, and I couldn't agree more.

BTW, based on the latest development update, the DX12 version of MSFS is coming this year and helicopters will be coming in 2022 (among about a hundred other things listed).
I'm just curious, since I don't own an XBox, is there a way to run HOTAS through XBox? I'm just wondering if hardware developers will develop their equipment to to connect with it, or if people playing it on XBox. but want better/more realistic controllers would have to invest in a PC system to get that capability. Either way, as you noted at the beginning, I see this as a huge win for everyone who uses FS. Expanding the market/fan base is always a good thing, IMHO.
DennyA, Heywooood and ak416, I wish there was a "Like" button on this forum!
I pre-ordered an Xbox Series X direct from Microsoft which was delivered on release day, just to run MSFS. I've only installed Forza Horizon 4 for the grandkids so far, but they absolutely love it (and me too!).
I'm fed up with the constant tweaking of hardware, software, Windows updates, driver updates, antivirus updates, and anything else I think of at 3am!
I just want to switch on and go - all I've ever had for flight sim is a CH yoke & pedals, keyboard & mouse, and one monitor.
Seems like the Xbox Series X was made for me - I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with multi-monitor, VR, or home cockpit set-ups obviously.
And now they're talking about the Xbox app being built-in to certain (TBA) smart TV's too - just like Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime and the rest.
The net for more player/simmers couldn't be thrown any wider than that, and given that the Xbox Game Pass subscription has exceeded all expectations, the entire gaming world will be able to try MSFS for free any time they like, for as long as they like.
This is going to make multiplayer a nightmare for "serious simmers", but the demands they are all going to make for upgrading MSFS to other current game's standards is going to be priceless.
An awful lot of these console gamers began playing back in the 90's and early 2000's, so they're in their 30's and 40's now - these are the guys who've been modding race sims etc. since they were kids and they're the guys who've been churning out fantastic quality freeware scenery for MSFS faster than the established payware developers can.
They're already current on the tools and processes required for MSFS, and they already walk among us, so be careful what you say about them LOL! They love it just as much as we do!

Edit: @Sundog - YES the Thrustmaster T Flight Hotas One has been Xbox compatible since the Xbox One, and still is - Xbox users on the forums have confirmed that they use it in other sims on the Xbox Series X.
I would expect any controller currently compatible with the PC version to be supported on the Xbox version at launch, I can't see why that compatibility wouldn't port over with all the the other settings.
DennyA, Heywooood and ak416, I wish there was a "Like" button on this forum!
the demands they are all going to make for upgrading MSFS to other current game's standards is going to be priceless.
An awful lot of these console gamers began playing back in the 90's and early 2000's, so they're in their 30's and 40's now - these are the guys who've been modding race sims etc. since they were kids and they're the guys who've been churning out fantastic quality freeware scenery for MSFS faster than the established payware developers can.
They're already current on the tools and processes required for MSFS, and they already walk among us, so be careful what you say about them LOL! They love it just as much as we do!

I agree with everything you said above - but am both excited and apprehensive about these thoughts especially - hoping for the best though
I'm just curious, since I don't own an XBox, is there a way to run HOTAS through XBox? I'm just wondering if hardware developers will develop their equipment to to connect with it, or if people playing it on XBox. but want better/more realistic controllers would have to invest in a PC system to get that capability. Either way, as you noted at the beginning, I see this as a huge win for everyone who uses FS. Expanding the market/fan base is always a good thing, IMHO.

What is the list of recommended peripherals that will work for the Xbox version?

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator fully supports Xbox gamepad, keyboard and mouse, Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas One, Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder, and HORI HOTAS Flight Stick for Xbox One. New, Xbox-compatible peripherals will be announced soon, but we cannot share any further details at this time.

Honeycomb has also said their peripherals will work on the Xbox version. Hopefully more hardware developers will get on board and support is expanded. Wouldn't count on something like TrackIR being supported, though.
I agree with everything you said above - but am both excited and apprehensive about these thoughts especially - hoping for the best though

So far, the standard of the freeware mods has been outstanding - to the point where Asobo Studios/Xbox Studios have contracted the Working Title group to work alongside them in the future.
I share your apprehension in some respects, but it's been a VERY long time since flight sim has been a mainstream title and maybe we've all become used to our own community and are now suspicious of outsiders?
DennyA, Heywooood and ak416, I wish there was a "Like" button on this forum!
I pre-ordered an Xbox Series X direct from Microsoft which was delivered on release day, just to run MSFS. I've only installed Forza Horizon 4 for the grandkids so far, but they absolutely love it (and me too!).

I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with multi-monitor, VR, or home cockpit set-ups obviously...

I would have thought this thing would be a VRers dream. haven't they been doing VR games with X-Box for years?
I'm just curious, since I don't own an XBox, is there a way to run HOTAS through XBox? I'm just wondering if hardware developers will develop their equipment to to connect with it, or if people playing it on XBox. but want better/more realistic controllers would have to invest in a PC system to get that capability. Either way, as you noted at the beginning, I see this as a huge win for everyone who uses FS. Expanding the market/fan base is always a good thing, IMHO.

Honeycomb has already announced that they'll support the Xbox with the Alpha/Bravo/Charlie.

The Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas One is also available for the Xbox One/Series X|S.

I would expect Microsoft will have partner announcements about other controllers as we get closer to the 7/27 launch.

I would have thought this thing would be a VRers dream. haven't they been doing VR games with X-Box for years?

Nope, no VR on the Xbox. PlayStation has VR on the PS4, but Microsoft hasn't entered that arena yet on consoles, just PC.
Xbox Studios have decided that the VR market isn't big enough to bother with yet, according to this article with quotes from Phil Spencer: are,S. At least officially. So, uh, why not?

Well, may so? However, as YoYo, who helped get me into VR would say, after experiencing VR there is no going back. It is the closest thing to real flight I have ever experienced. I can say that even after flying the actual T-6A 270 degree sim at Columbus, AFB and Randolph, AFB. While at the later I did get to stand beside a T-38C sim and watch. There was no time for me to get in, however :banghead: it was fully scheduled. I can say that the VR visual is better than the T-38's visuals. at least two years ago.
Interesting that (A:cannon ammo ,number ) is still a useable variable in MSFS. I'm thinking that you will get something like you get with elite dangerous. If you have the "Shooty dakka dakka" DLC then you can on a separate server with other shooty shooty dakka dakka DLC users to have the combat experience. To be honest that is what Top gun is all about even if it is a training exercise.

Thanks for the link to MS's response to VR. Useful to know