MSFS frustration level off the charts....

Navy Chief

Senior Member
A few days ago, I noticed stuttering in MSFS. I began trying to find the source of it, starting with uninstalling whatever sceneries, addons I had in my Community Folder.

No change

I called Microsoft. They were useless. Did not suggest anything that I hadn't already tried.

When I booted MSFS, 9 times out of 10, the sim just froze during startup. Just wouldn't complete loading. And if it DID actually complete loading, it would take a long time to actually choose a aircraft, load the scenery, and be on the runway, and then the lag time was so bad, I would have to shut the sim down via Task Manager.

So I decided the problem had to be with Microsoft. I bought MSFS AGAIN through Steam. Took all night to download it all. Got everything installed and attempted to do my first flight.

I still have the same problems, and have NO clue how to proceed. I would really appreciate some help here, folks. I am frustrated beyond frustrated.:banghead: There MUST be a answer to this.

I am running a 8700k cpu, and a 1080ti gpu. Fiber optic internet speed is averaging 94.9mbps download.

P.S. I need to add that everything else on my system is running fine. Zero issues with any other sims.

I had terrible instability with MSFS, constant crashes to desktop ( 14 in one day, try developing while putting up with all that! ). Then, I realised that if I started my computer up, and then immediately re-started ( not shut down, but ReStart ) all the problems went away. To this day I have no idea what was wrong.

Stuttering can also be caused by MS servers themselves, data interruptions and detail settings too high. I get sometimes too, especially lately. Turning off multiplayer and AI also helps hugely with performance.

Did this start to happen after the last update? There were supposed to be performance improvements!

And DC1973, thanks for the pointers towards AI and multiplayer. Will give that a try tonight!


Did this start to happen after the last update? There were supposed to be performance improvements!

And DC1973, thanks for the pointers towards AI and multiplayer. Will give that a try tonight!


DC1973, thank you for your suggestions, and I will try turning them off, if I can ever get the sim to start successfully. Priller, the problems DID start after the last update..... NC
Did you try starting MSFS after restarting the PC (with nothing else loaded besides the OS and its services, etc.)?

You might try opening up Task Manager just before starting MSFS to monitor memory, GPU, and other resources while it's booting. Monitoring resources might give more clues to what is going on.

(I echo the pointer on AI traffic -- it crashes mine every time I attempt it... after each update in hopes they've fixed it)

- dcc
Did you try starting MSFS after restarting the PC (with nothing else loaded besides the OS and its services, etc.)?

You might try opening up Task Manager just before starting MSFS to monitor memory, GPU, and other resources while it's booting. Monitoring resources might give more clues to what is going on.

(I echo the pointer on AI traffic -- it crashes mine every time I attempt it... after each update in hopes they've fixed it)

- dcc

By "nothing else loaded", do you mean using Safe Mode? I am not sure how to do what you are suggesting. NC
As things stand right now, I can't get the sim to launch to the point where I can change any settings. It stops loading at various points, and goes no further.
Well, now I am REALLY frustrated. My system downloaded (or so I thought) the most recent update last night. Now, all of a sudden, I get the screen for updating it AGAIN. WTH? NC And, and the rate it is downloading (it ain't gonna happen).

Update: it's downloading the update faster now. Hopefully by this evening it will be finished and I will try again.... Film at 11.
By "nothing else loaded", do you mean using Safe Mode?

Sorry, I should clarify. I just meant a normal PC re-boot and then launching MSFS after it settles (instead of say, opening a browser to check the weather, email, working one something else, etc. before starting MSFS)

- dcc
Sorry, I should clarify. I just meant a normal PC re-boot and then launching MSFS after it settles (instead of say, opening a browser to check the weather, email, working one something else, etc. before starting MSFS)

- dcc

Oh yes, I've tried that; no luck. For now, it is downloading ok. I am just leaving it alone. I'm headed out for appointment with tax preparer to do my 2020 Tax returns. The fun level is high today. I will report back this evening. NC
My friends and I have had major stuttering problems - ok for single player but crippling when trying to fly together. One person at a time (at random intervals) will hang up and shoot backwards out of the formation. We have also discovered that people can see other players up to a quarter mile away from where they should be. Someone was flying in front of me yet saw himself off my wing!

On the plus side, last night was the first time in months that we were able to fly together without seeing everyone jitter once we got close together.

Several times I have had an issue where the longer the sim runs, the more it slows down. After a few hours last night, my frames had dropped from a normal 70 down to about 28. I could clearly see regular drops on the CoherentGTDraw chart but with no apparent cause. The only thing I could do is restart the sim.

I submitted a ticket to zendesk for help with the multiplayer stuff, but I have zero expectation of them changing or fixing anything.

Sorry I don't have any suggestions for you, just needed to commiserate for a minute. There are so many weird glitches that it's impossible to find any consistent solution.
Well it is an early access game so to be expected however... being online helps. Also navychief not sure about your ram amount ? Got a far less impressive computer and as long as I am realistic with my settings the only time I get stutters is when I am offline.

I find that if I am offline ( more often than not because australia ) then I get stutters every 30 seconds lasting for about 5 seconds a time. It goes away completely when the internet actually works though. I've put it down to possibly manually caching the area I like to fly in + slow mechanical hard drive + no internet access.

It's just early access. Shame it wasnt priced or marketed as such but lets be real... it is.
Well it is an early access game so to be expected however... being online helps. Also navychief not sure about your ram amount ? Got a far less impressive computer and as long as I am realistic with my settings the only time I get stutters is when I am offline.

I find that if I am offline ( more often than not because australia ) then I get stutters every 30 seconds lasting for about 5 seconds a time. It goes away completely when the internet actually works though. I've put it down to possibly manually caching the area I like to fly in + slow mechanical hard drive + no internet access.

It's just early access. Shame it wasnt priced or marketed as such but lets be real... it is.

My GPU card has 11gb RAM, and I have 16gb of RAM, separate from that. NC

I have reached almost 1/2 of the 140gb download so far.. Slow as Christmas.
Well, after several hours of downloading the sim again (this time from Steam) all is back to normal...........for now. Cost me another $60, after buying it initially from Microsoft. Sheesh. Thanks guys. I appreciate all your suggestions. NC
So much for "back to normal". I have been trying to get MSFS to successfully launch since about 9 AM this morning, CST. The farthest it makes is the Welcome Screen, and then it freezes and I have to shut the sim down via Task Manager. Most of the time it freezes at the "Checking for Updates" screen, or even before that.

I thought perhaps when I updated my Nvidia driver that it caused the issues, but I rolled back to the previous driver and the problem was unchanged. I am at a standstill now. I really do NOT want to uninstall and reinstall MSFS. First off, I shouldn't have to go through this crap. I am running (or attempting to run at any rate) MSFS through Steam now.

It WAS working fine. Damnit. NC:banghead:

So sorry to hear about your issues with FS2020.

I can't shake the feeling that there is something else (outside of FS2020) going on at your end.

Have you checked the load in your hardware (GPU/CPU/Hard Drive).
I don't mean something is broken, but more likely that something is causing a component to be at max usage while FS2020 is loading.

First thought was that something in the settings document could have been corrupted, but after reading your post again I understood that you did a brand new install through Steam after the issues started with the Microsoft Store version. So there already is a brand new settings file.

Now, if I understand correctly, it loaded up fine on the first attempt, but then the issues were back. Did you change ANYTHING in the settings on that first run, or the run before the issues returned?

I am sure you know this, but Ctrl+Shift+Delete and the Performance tab would possibly tell us more. Can you post a screenshot of that.

I am not a specialist on FS2020, but do know my way around computers.
I hope we can help you get this issue resolved.

Hang there, and ready to help in any way we can.
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I’ve been having a similar problem of late, not only MSFS loading slowly but also “Blender” crashing to desktop for no apparent reason.
My problem turned out to be a new powered USB hub, once that was disconnected all has returned to normal, Just a thought.
I hope you get it sorted Pete.

I had similar hanging during start up problems recently and saw on another forum that someone had cured it by deleting Nvidia Experience. I did that and it worked for me, no probs since. His explanation for this was " Nvidia Experience and MS2020 do not play well together" not scientific but it neatly summed up the problem for me.
Reading stuff like this is what's made me apprehensive about switching over from P3Dv4.5, and largely why I haven't moved yet. Granted as some already stated, the fact it's a sim in early access, everything is still incomplete and really, in a state of "Open Beta" similar to how Eagle Dynamics runs DCS. But making that comparison aside. CTDs in my experience may not be the sim itself, it can be related to hardware issues as well. Hard Drive failures or running out of or bottlenecked RAM. I'd run diagnostics on your hard drive, RAM, and probably another thing that's overlooked is cleaning your hard drive with something like CCleaner. This will remove a lot of junk that runs in your local settings and hogs your RAM. Old update files, etc. take up a lot of space and can slow your PC down. I know it sounds like an infomercial. But with these higher requirement games/sims out these days, bottlenecks can happen. Especially with it being in Early Access it's probably not 100% optimized. Those diagnostics and "maintenance" would rule out your system as being the issue. Again, I bring up DCS. Which routinely uses 10-22GB of RAM depending on what's going the sim on my machine. Meanwhile, P3D chugs along using less than 8GB most of the time. FS2020 may be a RAM hog. Or...the sim is just in a state of instability.
Well, I deleted Nvidia GeForce Experience, and a reinstall of MSFS Steam edition, and for now at least, all is well. Crossing fingers and toes. Thanks guys and gals! NC:encouragement:
If you continue to have problems, try to run an SFC scan on your windows. I had this issue a few months ago and that fixed the issue, there was a corrupt file or something in windows.

Good luck :)