MSFS program disappeared


MSFS seems to have disappeared

When I clicked on the MSFS icon in the taskbar MSFS did not start. Nor did it from the desktop icon. An attemp to start from the start menu as an administrator gave a window to allow the program to make changes to my device A yes responce returned to the desktop.

Reviewing the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders I could not find any reference to the MSFS program except an MSFS SDK folder.

In the Control Panel/Programs /Uninstall page the MSFS program does not exist, only MSFS SDK core and samples.

I'm totally confounded as to why this problem has happened.

What is the best procedure to restore MSFS?

The problem appeared following a successful MSFS run a day or two earlier.
Yesterday I dowloaded the ah-hurricane update 1.3 from simMarket and and deleted only ah-hurricane files to apply the update.
This is my address for MSFS, did you follow a similar pathway?


Flame is my PC name. (aka Freddy FlameOut)
You could try to repair MSFS by going to:
Start Menu - Settings
Apps - Installed Apps
Scroll down the list to Microsoft Flight Simulator
Click on the three dots on the right side and select Advanced options
Scroll down the Reset heading and click the Repair button
It only takes a few seconds, but MSFS should launch after a repair.
The only app that appears is the System app, so a reset is not possible.
Possibly I need to uninstall and reinstall MSFS. But reviewing the Control Panel/Programs/Uninstall List there is no MSFS to uninstall.
Then the only option may be to try a reinstall thru the STORE.
Thanks, Tiger for your help.
Attempts, as the Administrator, to reset failed. Concluded to uninstall then reinstall MSFS.
The install was initiated thru the MS STORE. After locating Microsoft Flight Simulator in the STORE it was observed that my version indicated it was Owned and allowed pushing the install button without having to provide further Pin numbers or identification. The first stage of the install took about 1-2 minutes. The Install manager loaded the 168 GB program in 1 Hr 58 min. The content Manager loaded my 42, 168 GB files in 3 Hrs. My profile and Control settings were happily reinstated. :mixed-smiley-010: