MSFS Twin Otter Doors


Charter Member
Hi All,

Having taken the great leap forward, and purchased MSFS, I am finding a few things that I am having trouble locating. My personal fetish is doors. I have purchased almost all of my new aircraft through the MSFS Marketplace, and find many of the downloads include an EFB which allows you to open and close the relevant doors and hatches. On the Twin Otter, I have found a way to open the Co-Pilot's door only. I believe that the other doors and hatches have some form of control, switch, or click spot in the interior of the aircraft, but I have been unable to find same. Any ideas thanks.
Thank you Sir,

Try the door handels from the inside - were you would open the doors normally.
. I,ve been able to open the Co-Pilots door by using the Q key for looking at the door and then zooming away so I can see the door handle, but at this point unable to get a view of the other door handles- I'll keep experimenting
Press keyboard Ctrl+F8, this moves your viewpoint to the rear of the cabin. Pan left and down to view the rear door handle and click on it. Press F to return to panel view.
Still at It.

Press keyboard Ctrl+F8, this moves your viewpoint to the rear of the cabin. Pan left and down to view the rear door handle and click on it. Press F to return to panel view.
Thanks again to all,

Tried the above-shows the top of the door and airstairs, but won't pan further left or down. I'll keep fiddling, and if all else fails, I'll refer to the Oracle-my 13 year old grandson!!-though I'll then have to listen to his rather scathing comments about senior citizens etc. Ho-hum!!!

Thanks again!!!