MSFS woes? Try DCS!


Charter Member
With the plethora of combat aviation fanatics around here, I'm actually astonished that more of you are not flying in DCS. I've been reading quite a bit about all the problems people are having with the sim ATM and I would invite you to give it try while you wait for improvements and fixes. While I understand that combat aviation isn't everyone's cup of tea, you may find a lot of satisfaction and achievement in the challenge of flying a sortie where navigating from A-B is not the primary mission. Try something new for a few weeks, and immerse yourself in a different world. You can always go back if you don't like it!

But, if you like aircraft with high fidelity systems. flight models, weapons, counter measures, radars, physics that support, plus a massive livery library, campaigns,.missions; add to that high fidelity carrier ops, with working deck crews and ability to be an LSO, add MP servers and MP servers for just plain free flight, like aerobatics with no combat, then what do you have to lose except for some frustrations and a few bucks spent on some modules for a total different experience, try DCS!

It's not perfect and every sim has its problems but by and large everything works. And it's a blast to fly. There is a learning curve. But give it a month or two. You'll really enjoy it! It's a different experience and like I said you can simply go back to MSFS anytime.

There is a massive community and many varying levels of online play to suit any level of player from beginner to real world operators.

The screen shot and video making potential is huge with custom cameras and settings.

The library of available aircraft for modern to WW2 is very large and only getting bigger. So take a load off and try out something new! You'll be glad you did!

This is NOT a "this sim is better than that sim" thread. It's a invitation to the community to try something different if you're feeling frustrated while you wait.

I actually think that there are quite a few members of SOH who do fly DCS (I'm one of them). And I know of a couple of other MSFS brethren who have DCS.

As for "There is a learning curve", you can say that again! A very steep one at that! :)

But I've managed to do some free flights and that was huge fun. I have a couple of extra maps, but I'm honestly not that impressed with how it looks when doing screenshots from outside the aircraft. It seems blurry to me. reminds me a bit of FSX and FS9 honestly.

If you can find me a setup guide for graphics, that would be brilliant!


Priller (from the Dark Side that is MSFS)
Jan - I posted a couple screen shots and I didn't get the impression they were "blurry", but I don't consider myself a screen shot aficionado (more like a "noob") so I could be way off. Your computer specs are a little more potent than mine, so that shouldn't be an impediment. I've been looking for a DCS graphics guide and have not found one that is simple or straight forward or geared toward an AMD graphics card. When you find that guide...please post the information. Thanks.

Here is a video link that talks some about video optimization in DCS -

One big thing discussed by several folks is to make sure DCS is an exception in all anti-virus programs.
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DCS uses FOV and Camera distance as adjustments you can make. The cameras offer simulated F-stop blur from focal length. So it can appear to have a gaussian blur outside of the sweet spot. But you can adjust this by moving the camera distance closer or further away. Then altering the FOV (Zoom). [RCTRL] + [numpad *] adjusts the FOV narrow (zoom in). [RCTRL] + [numpad /] widens FOV (zooms out). Numpad * moves camera closer to object, while numpad / moves it away from the object.

LALT + F2, unlocks the camera axis, out can move your mouse around to change your camera position via manual manipulation. Lock it again by pressing the same combo. Do this in conjunction with moving around the object when locked. with the mouse to create interesting camera angles. Just go back and forth to adjust very quickly.

I'll post my graphics settings. I have no post process on any of my screen shots. What you see is how I see DCS when I play. I have a 4 year old system and a modest rtx 2080 Super. which is showing its age.
As for "There is a learning curve", you can say that again! A very steep one at that! :)
Yes, it is quite steep. That's why I say you probably need weeks if not a month or two! But after a little bit it will start to click. If you get too hammered by the cold starts, you can for most modules just click WIN + HOME key for auto start ;)

You'll be dropping 3 rippled pairs in no time!!!

Thanks guys!

Fired up the sim, and of course there was an update first.

I've Changed the graphic settings along the above lines, but testing will have to wait until after the new years festivities I'm afraid! I'll have a look at that video too.


Mach3DS - Tell us about your monitor(s). Is that the native resolution for your monitor? I have a pretty good monitor, but not like that! Looks like you are running more than 1. Are there benefits to running more than one monitor?

Regarding outside cameras, I use my trackball mouse. The trackball moves my view 360 degrees around the object and my mouse wheel zooms in and out.
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I run 2 MFDs along side the monitor (which is a 50" TV). So in order to do that DCS creates an additional monitor space which you can then place the exported screens. It's not user friendly, and all has to be done via a display LUA file code.
So I primarily run the F-16 and export the MFDs.

I run 2 MFDs along side the monitor (which is a 50" TV). So in order to do that DCS creates an additional monitor space which you can then place the exported screens. It's not user friendly, and all has to be done via a display LUA file code.
So I primarily run the F-16 and export the MFDs.

View attachment 159917
and when it all goes wrong, slash it all with your light sabre!
ahhh yes. The force is strong with this one. LOL.

Or we could use the update I've been making to the Sabre cockpit!

I was able to recover my Roughmet project for the Sabre Cockpit to make it a little more authentic Korean war with a black cockpit and adding Roughmets. I will make this available. It is not a redo of texture. It is just a refresh of the existing texture diffuse and I created Roughmets. This was a project where I didn't want to spend a crazy amount of time so these are a "what can I do to make it look as good as possible without having to remake anything" project. I think the results are actually quite good for what it is. Need to fix a couple of items and I will upload to UF.
