Mudpond's P-51H

I don't think the Korean Skies website is still around but I will give you my version if you pm me with your email.
That turn-and-bank indicator cum artificial horizon looks odd. Is that it? I don't fly the Mustang much, so I haven't a clue!
That is my modification, the original is all black as I believe most were at that time. I just like the more modern touch.
Let me know if it does not for some reason.

Yup, got your cockpit lewis.

Installed all files of the zip into the P-51H folder , No luck. I started up my game and the cockpit view is still the propeller. The same goes for my new Battle. The cockpit is below the pilots seat on the ground. I 'm literally the member of the groundcrew Im afraid.
Here are the Gremlins

Here is the picture of the Mudpond P-51H after your cockpit fix lewis.

Then there is this picture of one of the battles I got with no cockpit view. Dunno what else to do with the two aircraft.

Maybe wait around for other hopefuls in the near future and leave these on the rear shelf....
You do have an exciting life! Which Battle is it? If you're trying to fly one of the AI ones (nationality USA) then I'm not surprised it doesn't have a cockpit, since it doesn't have a cockpit. Try flying the ones that are meant to be player-flyable! The reason the AIs show in your menu is so you can select them in QC. Otherwise, true AIs with the air file set to =2 do not show in the QC menu and are available only through MB and spawns.
Autothrottle I am not sure if you're missing files or what but the cockpit works fine in the mudpond P-51H. I just took it up for a test run and in fact this was the cockpit I already had installed in it. I know I sent you all the files for my the Korea pit but a missing cockpit file should not cause the plane to dissapear like that.

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Don't really know why lewis. I downloaded the complete file from Mudpond and got all of your files from what you sent me and it still doesnt work properly.

Well, thanks for the help. This P-51 will have to take a backseat for now.
AT, I sent you my P-51H with the cockpit installed as it works fine for me. Delete the one you downloaded and see if mine works in your install. If not the problem lies with something in your game files and not the aircraft files. CFS3 will switch between duplicate .dds files in your game sometimes applying the wrong reflective textures and distorting the visual rendering when you have textures of the same name. Most everyone knows this but I was wondering if you have a second .m3d file of the same name that is using the same .xpd file, if the game will alternate between application of 2 .m3d's? One of the guru's will have to weigh in on that one.

AT going back to take a look at what causes that, I recalled that when you have everything named correctly except for the cockpit .m3d files it will produce the effect in your screen shots. Can't say that was your problem but check and see if your cockpit m3d is named the same as your model .m3d file with the exception of "_Cockpit0.m3d" on the end of the file name.