multi cfs3


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ok heres the story. I am a limited learner on the computer so please give me an answer and an easy fix so even i can do it. I am about to install cfs3 and update it to 3.1. heres the problem I want maw and eto and korean skies also. How do i go about doing this? Can I use the cfs3 patched to 3.1 for all the add ons or do i need a cfs3 for each of them? Again please know that i have a limited knowledge of computer software so please be tolerant in your explanations. I want to enjoy the work of each group and need to know how to install them. Again thanks in advance; bwchaney"devildog":banghead:
...... I am about to install cfs3 and update it to 3.1. heres the problem I want maw and eto and korean skies also. How do i go about doing this? Can I use the cfs3 patched to 3.1 for all the add ons or do i need a cfs3 for each of them?......... bwchaney"devildog"

Hi bwchaney

You don't need to have one CFS3 install for each expansion, one is enough the only essential thing is that your CFS3 must be absolutely a stock install w/o any modification and it must be patched to v3.1a (not only 3.1 - see MS official CFS3 site).
For what concerns MAW, ETO and KTCS You can find them here:

MAW ->
ETO -> see the sticky thread at the top of CFS3 forum

From Korean skies site You can d/l also PTO (Pacific Theatre of Operation - which covers the air operations above Solomon Islands and more.

One thing about MAW, I heard some people claims that they could not install it from the files of the official site as they received some error messages from the installer caused by corrupted files, if it wuold be your case, send me a private message (PM) with your postal address and I shall send You a dvd with the old files I used for my install which work for sure.
There is also a WW1 expansions called "Over Flanders Fields" - Phase 2 (OFF P2) which is no longer available for d/l but if You are interested in it, again tell me and I shall send You it too.

I hope I was clear enough and to have answered at least to some of your questions.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore62"
bw if i were u id do the initial cfs3 install and updates then insatll all the theaters that u want before u do any modding to cfs3.Once u do that ,if u have a second harddrive id place a cfs3 folder and files there.This way when u do addons run the game to make sure there is no problems.If the game still runs ok then u can add those to the other copy.This way u will always have a good running copy if for some reason u need to uninstall cfs3.Many times ive had to reinstall cfs3 and i allready have the addons copied and set up how i want