Multi Crew experience ?


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Does anyone use multi crew experience ?...looks pretty cool to me,i dont even use the atc as it is ,i dont like it all on the screen and having to use the key board to answer.but this looks like something id use.sure costs alot though,id hate to waist my money if it doesnt work on all my planes ya know?..
This on the main page where it lists the advantages of using the addon:

· Supports all default FSX, Prepar3D, FS9 and X-Plane aircraft, as well as many third party aircraft add-ons. And the list is growing.

So it mainly handles default aircraft. . . .when something says as well as many 3rd Party aircraft. . .it means you better look closely at exactly what that means before you buy. You are hoping it will work on "all" your aircraft and that line right there tells me it won't.
completely agree and that is why i asked,BUT,yup a but...i was lookin at youtubes last night and found a channel of some guy who is a real world pilot,and also said he helped with the development of P3D and is still a i believe that?..dont know,dont know anything about this guy,BUT,yup again with the but,but he showed a tube of his simpit setup,wasnt much,thought he had muti crew experiance and he used a carenado piper simular to his real world plane,and i saw AND heard it work just fine....if i can find the vid ill post it.but not tonight,im tired n sore.