multi engine


is there an easy way to increase the time between engine starts on multi engine auto start.

Does the aircraft panel include ways to start each engine independently?
ah, ha that's where it is . sorry I have no idea what to look for . if you can tell me ,can we use the pby6 so I can see what is needed.
ps I can find the panel and open it
ah, ha that's where it is . sorry I have no idea what to look for . if you can tell me ,can we use the pby6 so I can see what is needed.
ps I can find the panel and open it

I just tried the newly uploaded PBY-6 and couldn't find any switches for individual engine start. Bummer!
i think we are at cross ideas. i meant within the aircraft files

My train of thought on this is if there are no switches, etc on the panel, then trying to add something to the aircraft.cfg won't help! Maybe copying over something from another aircraft that has what's needed would work, but a very confusing thing if you have never done it.
engine starts

if you use the panel done by me, and furnished by Shessi in the last releases
have a little look at the manual
and with a bit logic you will find out that at the rear cockpit wall there are two switches
one to energize the engines first, the other to start the engines individually.
I realy wonder some times why developer write the "read me" and pass their times to make panels with complete sytems and some times they have nothing other to do to bore people with manuals
Ha ha ha!! a touch of the Basil Fawlty's there, but beautifully put Papi....:redfire:

Mr Z, please read the README, Papi has done a superb job with the new panel. A lot of functionality and it's fun to use, making it a far more immersive experience.



p.s Wait till you see what Papi's got lined up next! ;)
hi there
all I wanted was to know was, if in multi engine air craft , the auto start ie control plus e on the keyboard, that the time between each engine start could be extended. that all .I didn't need to be taken to task by the resident geniuses . we are all different and can fly as we wish . so, can it be changed
thak you
Hi G,
No one was taking you or anyone to task, your's is a perfectly valid and interesting question.

The two slightly tinged comments were directed at Mr Z's comment that ''I just tried the newly uploaded PBY-6 and couldn't find any switches for individual engine start. Bummer! ''...and there is an answer to that one! ;)
(BTW Papi is German, so his main language is not english, and he spent a lot of time over the panel README, doing a great job...a little bit frustrating for him I think).

Anyhoo, back your question. A couple of things, if using the manual start then yes obviously on a multi-engined ac, you can delay the starts of successive engines. But I think I know what you mean, the delay between pressing a button and the engine starting. In an ac's airfile there are several ways of doing this. You can reduce the amount of starter torque, which will mean pressing the starter for longer. You could change the MOI (Moment Of Inertia) of the prop blades, by making the heavier it's like reducing starter torque, but they will take longer to stop spinning when engines are cut.

MS set the starter RPM at 500 as standard. There is a guage that you can use in Fs9, if you read through this thread it tells all and quite interesting. in Fs2004 forum from 2012


hi there
all I wanted was to know was, if in multi engine air craft , the auto start ie control plus e on the keyboard, that the time between each engine start could be extended. that all .I didn't need to be taken to task by the resident geniuses . we are all different and can fly as we wish . so, can it be changed
thak you

Greycap, you can use the auto-start feature for each individual engine, that is, one at a time by using the cntrl+e, 1 and when you are ready, then cntrl+e, 2.

The numbers designate which engine to auto-start.

I believe this is what you were asking about.
Greycap, you can use the auto-start feature for each individual engine, that is, one at a time by using the cntrl+e, 1 and when you are ready, then cntrl+e, 2.

The numbers designate which engine to auto-start.

I believe this is what you were asking about.
thanks Milton
I originally wondered if the default timing could be altered.

I just like to watch start ups from out side