Multiplay success!!!!!!!!


Charter Member
I am pleased to report that Pilotsden and I have tonight sucessfully flown mulltiplay online with PD hosting.:amen:

The method we used will be posted by Pilotsden as I have to quit for now.

The future of OFFBH and H for online play looks rosy indeed.



Thaks NIO and PD

It's great to have the Boy's of 60 Squadron up and atem again. I look forward to the talents of all concerned to make Online flying the treat that I remember it was.


Great news Nio :) well done guys.

Pol, as you will see from PD's later threads, the solution we found is a "workaround".

Hopefully you guys (and RexH has been in touch with me by PM ) may be able develop a patch which will make the process rather more elegant.

As PD has said, the important thing was to nail a workaround pro tem.

For those who wish to fly online this is an important step forward.PD fully deserves to be congratulated.

I believe that the now proven multiplay option may enhance your future sales.



Pol, as you will see from PD's later threads, the solution we found is a "workaround".

Hopefully you guys (and RexH has been in touch with me by PM ) may be able develop a patch which will make the process rather more elegant.

As PD has said, the important thing was to nail a workaround pro tem.

For those who wish to fly online this is an important step forward.PD fully deserves to be congratulated.

I believe that the now proven multiplay option may enhance your future sales.




Hello Nio,

Indeed we are working on this and it will get our full attention soon - once we have the AI nav issue sorted - which currently is looking quite good :))


Excellent, Mark.

Do you still need me to do the AI leader tests or have you passed that stage?


