Multiplayer in OFF2


Charter Member
Hi All , I wish to be able to fly online, I have read the 'sticky' section on multiplaying, however it poses a question. I wish to connect with another player usng our IP addresses to make the connection as trying to 'log into' the CFS server does not seem to work. Is the CFS server stil working? Is it possible in OFF2 to connect via IP addresses? Thanks if anyone can help.

be sure to read pd's multiplayer tuturial. You will see where it tells you to deselct the "show game on cfs server" or something to that effect box
Microsoft . .in it's infinate wisdom, and as a cost cut, pulled the plug on the CFS3 server. Permenantly over a year ago.

Since that time, the Boys of 60 Squadron
AsI said in my post, I have been looking for a way of joining for a private match using my IP address. I had realised that the CFS server had been terminated. Hopefully there will be opportunities for a bit of private combat with OFF3.
Well for head to head action, both programs need to be EXACTLY the same, if you have the Zepplin, but he don't, I believe that's a mismatch

It would probably be best, if those who crave a little head to head

could run a STICKY with just your Forum name, no internet addresses.

That would-be by PM
A couple of us have been flying co-op missions here and there but there were alot of problems with the Gotha and Zep causing mismatches. We encourage people to download teamspeak if you want to fly multi. It is so much easier getting people up and running while talking in real time to an actual person.
Hi Axgrinder, I would be grateful if you can tell what the secret is, any pointers will be appreciated.
Yes, I did that first ,but it does not appear to give any info. on head to head connections using one's own IP address.
Hi Daveebee

I think you are asking -what does one do beyond the tutorial that PD has put up and is now a sticky.

If you are the host you need to know what your IP address is. Once you have followed the "how to host" part of the tutorial and you are ready for a friend to join you he will need to hit the join private game button in his game.He will then get a screen inviting him to put in your IP address. If he oks that screen and you have password protected your hosting (though this is not necessary on private IP to IP) he will get another screen inviting him to enter the password.Ok to that and he should find him self in game with you and able to follow through the remainder of PD's tutorial.



