Multiple Daimler Benz / JUMO Sounds


Charter Member
Hi Friends,
I'm searching for GOOD sounds packages (for FS2004, NOT for CFS2) for Messerschmitt Bf110, Junkers Ju.88 and Dornier Do.17/217.
I'm searching also for the Groundcrew's CFS2 Focke Wulf 200 package (their site seems to be closed).

Sgt T - thanks for reminding me about that site - I've visited there in the past but couldn't find their Swordfish, for which there are a few skins here and there - where does one find that aircraft?
Hi Friends,
I'm searching for GOOD sounds packages (for FS2004, NOT for CFS2) for Messerschmitt Bf110, Junkers Ju.88 and Dornier Do.17/217.
I'm searching also for the Groundcrew's CFS2 Focke Wulf 200 package (their site seems to be closed).


FSX, FS2004, FS2002, FS2000, CFS3, CFS2... All the standard soundpacks from any Microsoft flight simulator are compatible with any other one... They work by the same way, except if a sound works with xml procedure or dll module...

Maybe certain secondary sounds are to be reappointed or replace if the "sound.cfg" calls to common sounds of such or such simulator. The most important is the quality of soundpack.

I use the CFS 3 default Me 262 sounds in FS9 for the 262s that I've got installed. They were recorded from one of the new build Me 262s in Seattle.
I use the CFS 3 default Me 262 sounds in FS9 for the 262s that I've got installed. They were recorded from one of the new build Me 262s in Seattle.

Trouble is, the new-build Me-262s don't use Jumos (and well so with an MTBO in the double-digits) they use J-85s in a Jumo-shaped shroud.
I like A2A's old He219 sounds for FS9. Payware, but really good. Great twin V12 with a hint of the supercharger whine.