multiple ETO installs


Charter Member
hi guys, it has been already discussed but not able (shame on me!) to find it again...
how can I get multiple ETO installs of the new version?
I guess I have to run multicfs3 inside the main folder and create a new folder in application data using a different name such as:"OLD CFS3 ETO Exp" or something like that while renaming the main folder with the same name used for the appl. data folder.
Of course I had before made a copy of the same main folder keeping the orig. name which is now pointing to the firstly created CFS3 ETO Exp_____
Ok maybe I´m a bit confused so some help is welcome!
cheers and regards, gianluca
PS wtha is puzzlig me are the multiple icons of ETO.......
:kilroy:Popsaka, there's more to ETO multi-installs than that. Besides, the Multicfs3.exe is already in ETO. You have a PM, too.:d