Multiple Installs of FS2004


Retired SOH Admin
Are there any special steps needed to have multiple installs of FS2004? Having multiple CFS2 installs is as easy as falling off a log, but then again CFS2 did not have a Registry entry. I really need to set up multiple installs to break my planes down into various categories (Vintage GA, Modern GA, Vintage Military, Modern Military). Having over 600 planes in a single install, with many of those planes having multiple paints (some planes have upwards of a dozen or more paints), it takes FOREVER for FS2004 to load, takes FOREVER for the aircraft selection window to become active.

What would solve this is an update of Jacky Brouze's program JAB2000. It allowed you to make hangers and name them as you choose. The planes or hangers could be turned on or off with a simple mouse click. If off, the planes did not load. I have never found another addon program with this capability. If anyone knows Jacky please ask him to update it. I would be willing to pay good money for it.
After installing FS2004, you must rename fs9.exe another name so that the disk will not recognize it. Then reinstall as you would. This must be done for each new install to be used separate.

I only have two installs, FS2004 and FSGW3.

When you are through, rename your new install desktop shortcut what ever you like and go back into the FS2004 folder and rename whatever you named fs9.exe to back to fs9.exe.

If have GW3 follow the install instructions to create a second instance for GW3. Just name the .exe file to your liking

If I remember correctly there were two ways to install it. either copy your current install of FS9 to another folder or do a new install.

both methods have their own draw backs.

Copying the current install is gives you a duplicate of the out of control FS9 install you have now complete with any scenery updates you may have installed. Those scenery updates could be hard to root out. On the other side of the coin you would have the 9.1 updates because that version was updated.

Installing a fresh copy of FS9 gives you a clean install but is missing the 9.1 update. That update may not be able to run again as it will see that it has already been installed in the registry (I have heard this is the case but never tested it).

Third option and maybe the best.

Blow out FS9 completely and start over. Once you install FS9 and update it to 9.1 copy that folder to a new location to be a plain Jane install you do not touch.

You could burn it to a DVD the default folder is just under 4 GB. This will give you a base for when ever you want to do a new install/third or fourth install. Thats what I did on my last rebuild.

The down side of this is you have to download all your addons again...

But who doesn't love looking for FS Files :icon_lol:
If all you want to do is eefectively rename folders for aircraft you could do it with batch files.

Cazzie's is the simpleist, (Is that a word?)

Anyway, Just rename your current FS folder, and the FS9.exe. Then reinstall as normal. Then run the FS9.1 updater. It will only see your new install. First thing to reinstall would be your terrain meshes. Then go from there. If you need to install something that looks for your FS9.exe, make a text file and rename it to FS9.exe. It will be seen, and recognized, but won't start the sim. (For your renamed main folder.)

I always do new installs of sceneries, rather than copying. More control that way.
Been there-done that (with other games), the trick is to ONLY have 1 install in the registry.

1. Install completely FS9 with patches (your BASE install)- THIS is the commonality between all your installs so make SURE the base game has all the patches you want installed on all you installs.

2. NOW clone the entire directory where FS9 resides, and rename your copy and put it in a 'holder' directory.

3. Install your planes and addons to the original fs9 install. When your done, test it out. When you're satisfied with it exit out of the game, and rename the FS9 dir to whatever you want (you'll be renaming it back to the original name when you want to use that particular install).

4. NOW copy back to the original FS9 location you're 'clone' from step 2, and install whatever a/c and mods you want in THIS install, test, then rename it to ID it later.

5. Keep repeating these steps until you got all the different installs you want, when your done simply rename the current install so you can ID it, then rename the install you want to use to the original FS9 directory name, and run the game.

I've done this for MULTIPLE games I run without issues on 98se and XP, but never tried it on vista or later. As long as you keep your 'base install' (I save mine onto a CD) you'll never need to 'reinstall' unless the registry becomes corrupt.
Thanks for all the suggestions and tips my friends. Will begin working on setting up my multiple installs with in the next day or two. My installs will be broken down into 4 catgories:

Vintage GA: Prior to 1950
Vintage Miltitary: Prior to 1950

Modern GA: After 1950
Modern Military: After 1950

The vintage installs will be the ones that get used the most, as I prefer vintage aircraft, especially those with radial engines. There are some modern aircraft that I do like and do fly on a fairly regular basis.

The Vintage installs will be set up with Golden Wings, the Modern installs will retain the stock fields and stuff. All four installs will share a folder containing Rhumbafloppy's new world LOD5 and LOD7 mesh.

I haven't really installed that much scenery...with thousands of airports around the world for me to fly from and to, I never felt the need to add more to the list. But I will be adding a lot of early era bases/fields to the Vintage installs...looking forward to seeing Cees Donkers work first hand.

Are there any WW1 era scenery packs out there?

OBIO, each of your installs can be started independently, without having to rename them each time. Name each .exe and main folder to identify your time period. (After all the base installs and updates are done.) Then just right click on each exe to send their shortcuts to your desktop. You will still only have one instance in the registry, but all of them will work. I have 4 versions, myself, and it works flawlessly.
I haven't really installed that much scenery...


That should make it fairly easy then.

Just copy the FS9 folder to a new location then delete all of the extra aircraft out until you have only the defaults in the aircraft folder.

Yes you will have extra gauges and possibley extra sounds but this should get it pretty close to a default install. This should be your base for all of your additional installs.

Once you have it close to default copy it to DVD. Use this as a back up for if you ever muck up your default plain jane install.

Good luck I will be interest to see how this turns out.

I plan on doing it next month.
Where can I find GW 3 ???
I can find FS 98 stuff, and all kinds of add-ons but....................
Multiple install of FS2004


I have 3 install of FS2004, called FSGW for aircrafts from 1903 - 1945. FSSW for

1946-1965 and original FS2004 there I fly planes from 1966 - present.

I have all my flyghtsims installed on a external HD.

Have also a mapp I call "Hangar" there I putt all my 3rd part aircraft after

what period it is.

I have named the exe: fs9 (original), fssw and fsgw.

On another external HD I have all my download and the paywares i have

backups on CD and DVD disk.

Best Regard

I've just installed a 2nd FS9 with per instructions.
Now when I fire up GW3, I get the splash screen followed, almost immediately, by the warning: "Aircraft Initialization Failure Cessna 172SP"
and that's as far as I get ! :isadizzy: What gives ???

I've just installed a 2nd FS9 with per instructions.
Now when I fire up GW3, I get the splash screen followed, almost immediately, by the warning: "Aircraft Initialization Failure Cessna 172SP"
and that's as far as I get ! :isadizzy: What gives ???


Never mind, guys............. I figured it out.
The 172 is the default airplane for loading the program. I put it back in and now everything is hunky-dory. This is gonna be fun !!!