Multiple scenery texture sheets


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Hi!As you may know all scenery objects like trees and houses use texture (in stock CFS3, different name in WOFF).When I was working on my DX9 shaders I made an assumption that only one such texture sheet can be used at a time.However the wording in Terrain SDK and file structure hints that it might be possible to have multiple texture sheets used together: – The name of the texture sheet to which the textures will be added. All of the textures used by all scenery models are placed on one or more texture sheets.
Does anyone know anything about it?It won't work with DX9 shaders now, but maybe someone tried it long ago?
Sorry for odd formatting. Recently this forum started to remove all line breaks from my posts and when I try to edit it just shows blank input area. Maybe it is not a forum problem, but Opera browser I am using to visit it.
I messed around with this years ago and I think it is possible. The tricky bit is the size of the .dds, the number of textures on it and how they are called up on the .xml. I gave up because of the trouble I was having creating the .sm models that use it.

It's no different than any other cfs3 texture so could your problem be linked to the type of model that uses them perhaps?
Thanks. So I guess this feature (even if it works) is not used in anywhere. I don't have any specific problem with it, I'm just curious whether I need to support it in my shaders :)