murderous flak


Charter Member
hi guys, flying actually some mossie mission (not in ETO Exp) and found a very murderous flak.
survivability rate is reduced to a mere 10 per cent, really extreme and also not totally realistic I think...
read sometime ago how to modify some xdp files (weapons folder?) to reduce
a bit this: either reducing bullet radius or available bullet number.
is that the right direction?
thks alot for any advice!
cheers, gianluca
(not in ETO Exp)
this is why you have this problem.

In the ETO expansion, you have new rebuild flack: eto_flak, eto_flak1, eto_HA_flak; eto_HA_flak1

This means that now, when you are hit, it doesen't means that you're automatically shot down in flames.
These new flack guns are one of the major stuff with ETO Expansion.
hi and thks for feedback!
which file should I import in my version of CFS3 in order to achieve the same more realistic results?
I do not want to install these "Mossie" missions in ETO as I do not want to mess it up...