MV F-86F-30 Tackpack Edition!


Charter Member

Colin says: "For those of you who love Tacpack... The MV F-86F-30 Tacpack version is going out the door in just about an hour! MV Direct ONLY!

There will be a discount for those who bought it direct from us. (discount is for two weeks ONLY)

For those who didn't, please be patient as we will be sending it out (with a two week rebate) to all vendors.

Thanks for your loyalty... It's appreciated!"

Thank you.

Thanks for the P3D installer, much for the tacpack version, not using it at all, in any plane. Have F-86 installed in P3d v3 with migration tool, works perfectly going to uninstall and reinstall this new version. Once again to the People at Milviz, thanks.
Ah, and waiting for the F-100...
I have a very weird problem and MilViz has until now no solution, so I thought I might try it here. The configuration window (shf 2, for the external power unit, pilot etc.) does not load. When I press shf 2 I see a black square, but no image. The other windows of this and other planes work perfectly. I can resize, lock and unlock the window, but it remains a black square. MilViz sent me some new panel.cfg files but these did not help. Does this problem sound familiar to anyone? I run P3D from an external hard dist. That gave me a problem with Dino’s F-35B; one of the gauges had a filename that was too long. That problem was easily solved by shortening the filename and adjusting the entry in the panel.cfg file.

Bumping this topic to ask a few user feedbacks. :wavey:

I have recently installed the TacPack F-86. All went smooth, even though I forgot to assign the keys to TacPack features, but that's no problem for now.
I'm just amazed at how *SMOOTH* this plane is in P3Dv3.2. It has almost no FPS hit, and this is very impressive, given the quality of the model.

Now, my problem is: I cannot get the gunsight to display. I checked on the web already, for all the advice: move the eyepoint up, roll this and that buttons to the right under the HUD, etc... no way. I guess I might need to **** or something like that. My plane was loaded with rockets only. I played around with the other switches as well, but couldn't get anywhere. So far, I would just like to know if the problem is me, or the version 3.2 of P3D ?
Daube, I have the exact same problem. I posted it on the FSX forum and got the same suggestions that you mention (and that were also given on the MilViz support forum), but they did not help. I do not have this problm with the MilViz F-100D.
Do you also have the problem that the window that generates the ground configuration (APU etc.) does not work? If you do, there may be a link with the gunsight problem. I posted this problem on the MilViz support forum but got no solution as yet.
Katoun, if you are reading this, can you help us?
As Rick said on the F-4 thread, we can not offer support here. I know you post at the MV forums so why not take your question on the gunsight there again.
My popup windows work fine.
The only issue I have is the gunsight. Also, I may have a small problem with the engine smoke. The textures used by the smoke effet are transparent as expected, but somehow I can clearly see the square borders of the textured "particules" of the smoke. Not a big deal though. It's probably linked with my textures filtering set to "performance" instead of "quality" in the video driver settings.