mvg3d help needed with aircraft

Cirrus N210MS

Charter Member
i downloaded your Tri Motor Bombers the Horizon Gauge is not working is there a Button which i need to switch on? in the VC or 2D Plane to make it work??

Thank you for the great airplanes i really enjoy flying them


  • horizon.jpg
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Hi Cirrus,

The problem might be on your side as you can see below I don't have the problem. And the model doesn't have a 2D panel.


fixed it

changed from 2 to 1

//Type: 0=None, 1=Vacuum Gyro, 2=Electric Gyro
attitude_indicator.0 = 1
attitude_indicator.1 = 1
As I was reading through this, I was thinking the same thing. Glad you found it - saved me the work! :biggrin-new: