my anticipation.....

Desert Rat

Library Staff
Staff member
Just bought the Sibwings Safir, late in the day I know, but from what I hear I wont regret it.

Appart from the purchase/support side of things, I seem to remember some sour tastes in the mouth from some members here. Guess I'll find out shortly.

Looks like I have to purchase the FSX version, then retro-grade to FS9 for free. Good move I think as FS9 users seem to be offered a free upgrade to FSx on release. Sounds like a dev with the usually elussive common-sense gland working. (okay, I'm not opening a can of worms, I appreciate paying extra for an FSX release if it is ACTUALLY updated to FSX SDK standards, otherwise, forget it, lost punter*.)


*granted, exceptions will be made for my FAV devs, heck I'm a human too, like some of my fav devs, lol.
Okay, who stole my 2D pit? I do have TrackIR and love VC because of that, but I have to admit, if I pay for a kite, I like to have my options open. As a CFS2 stalwart, I miss it, I might not use it, but that's not the point!!

IMO it doesn't need a 2d pit - the VC is fantastic..for some reason I dont fly it much and I'm not sure why because its fantastic inside and out, FDE and sound ..probably because I have no connection with it in real life real ones located here at this end of the world.

Can't wait for the Cessna Birddog and Pitts Special Sibwings are working on..pity they are FSX only.
Thanks guys, hadn't got round to checking out those paints yet, had just been testing her. Very nice, and the 2D panel wasn't a serious gripe anyways.

Hey Jamie,

Its wierd how things are moving towards these days, with no 2D panels anymore. Alot of devs are no longer making them.

Easy enough though to make a quick one up from scratch. Just take a really nice screenshot in VC view, put that in Photoshop, stretch it to get the perspective out, install some gauges over it, black out the sky area, and Voila... Instant 2D panel.

:ernae: Bill,

yup, know about that one, infact I've done it a good few times already. Helps if the VC is good quality though.

It was late last night so I didn't really get to do much with the Saab, plan on rectifying that very shortly, plus my Wellington CD finally arrived. Plenty to keep me out of mischief :d
