My brave "not" wingmen


"Molon Labe"
The other morning my flight took off for our assigned target, and enemy arifiled. We (me and my two wingmen) approached the target at approx 8,000 ft. I began my decent about 1 mile away from the target. At about 6,000 I nosed over to put the airfield in my sights, fired a few rounds and gave the order to my wingmen to atack. We were in tight formation, so I knew they saw me. It was my plan for me to stay high and provide top cover should any enemy fighters be lurking. Problem is, my wingmen never attacked. That is not until I led the way. They followed me down to the target once I committed myself, but they would not follow my order to attack the "triangle" target. They have always attacked aircraft in the vicinity, are ground targets different? I did not think I needed TAC to be on to direct the wingmen.
As you have noticed, wingmen will attack enemy aircraft nearby if you just hit 'A'. Works good.

But ground targets...:banghead:...another story. I have had a few successes with just pressing 'A' and having wingmen attack the nearest ground installation, but it doesn't work reliably. I usually have to use the TAC to select the target first to get a reliable response from wingmen.

Just my experience.
In phase 3, Winder is working to correct this as much as possible, and it looks like it has to most extents.

In the future, you can select ground targets like selecting air targets, then you must tell your wingies to attack.

To me, I leave this to imagine myself waving at each man, and pointig down. Much like it was in real life.

You have to target ground objects before pressing A. Same in P3.

They will then often split into twos and some will attack your commanded target and some will attack nearby targets depending on their priority. Often though they fly some way out before beginning their run (legacy from WW2) so they will attack if you hang around long enough you will see them.
I noticed they fly out and attack with the sun in their backs. Well, at least they did the last times I flew ground-attack missions. It could of course be coincidence, but if they really come out of the sun, those wingmen are pretty smart...
Just to clarify......

So....According to 77Scout and Pol, it is necessary to utilize TAC for targeting ground objects, right? The fact that I have the "triangle" object targeted with my gunsights when I press "A" will not activate the wigmen, is that correct? Not that attacking ground targets is really effective with dual Spandou 7.62's, anyhow.
Pressing 'A' alone will sometimes get the wingmen to attack the nearest ground target, but often it doesn't work. I am not sure why...perhaps if there are too many targets around they get confused? Works fine with enemy planes, just not so reliable with enemy ground targets

If you want to be sure they understand your intentions, then highlighting the target on the TAC is the way to go.
You have to target ground objects before pressing A. Same in P3.

They will then often split into twos and some will attack your commanded target and some will attack nearby targets depending on their priority. Often though they fly some way out before beginning their run (legacy from WW2) so they will attack if you hang around long enough you will see them.

Yes this is exactly what I experience. Some time ago though. Haven't played campaign for a while. They can tend to take the long road and sometimes I'd follow them in and watch their attack. The problem I had was when I hit R for them to lay off fritz and rejoin they'd often continue circling/attacking until they got themselves shot down the silly sods. So it kind of half works. Maybe you have to unselect the target before it works ? In any case it's probably fixed in P3.