The other morning my flight took off for our assigned target, and enemy arifiled. We (me and my two wingmen) approached the target at approx 8,000 ft. I began my decent about 1 mile away from the target. At about 6,000 I nosed over to put the airfield in my sights, fired a few rounds and gave the order to my wingmen to atack. We were in tight formation, so I knew they saw me. It was my plan for me to stay high and provide top cover should any enemy fighters be lurking. Problem is, my wingmen never attacked. That is not until I led the way. They followed me down to the target once I committed myself, but they would not follow my order to attack the "triangle" target. They have always attacked aircraft in the vicinity, are ground targets different? I did not think I needed TAC to be on to direct the wingmen.