my first hauptman



Anton Prenzer having joined the forces of our Fatherland 6-17 as Feldwebel has, with 13 confirmed and 26hrs flight time, been promoted to Hauptman effective this 20th day of October 1917 in Jasta 2..both he and his young bride are very proud
(P2 of course)
Meine Gratulation, Herr Hauptmann

Ze Fazzerland needs endurink fighterz like you; vizz 26 hours, you survived here longer zan der most pilots ever vill. Your flight hours are outstanding!
Vizz 13 kills, er is an ace already. But now, go and shoot some more crumpetz or baguettes - vee vant to see some more victories, so vee can propose him for der "Pour le Merite", er knows?
Good luck vizz you, and com back, Hauptmann Prenzer.

Stellvertretender Oberkommandeur der Luftstreitkräfte Flandern;
Oberst von Mahlo

Douai, 19. 7. 1917
Danke it iz zee great honor to come to your illustrious attention Oberkommandeur von Mahlo