My L39 is Broken...


Charter Member 2011

Steering angle is about 75 deg, nothing I do changes that.
What's happened??
Unless I am mistaken, that problem was fixed in the later updated package....I'm not sure where to download the plane from, but I know that the package I have is a newer version and does not have the nose gear problem.

Well it's not 'broken'. The author decided he wanted it to be albe to do a 360 'spin turn' without major effort on your part, and without you needing to use 'differential' turning which requires simultaneous braking AND throttle management. I ALWAYS add the line 'differential_turning_scale= 1.0' to the (brakes) section. I like to use it even on take off roll.

Look at cfg in (Cnt Pts) section and you will see 'steering ratio' entry on first line (nose wheel). Look for '75.00' entry (or simular). Change it to 33 to 40 or so and it will still turn good. Who knows why developers choose such a radical value. You would have to ask them, but then they probably won't feel obligated to provide you with a definitive answer (ie: because you are just being picky?). I resemble that remark (hehe) so I know where you're coming from.
Chuck B
This nose issue was a modeling glitch, and not a config (contact point) issue. It was addressed by the maker in the later release of the plane.

Well I went back and downloaded the last beta again
nd put things back, bit by bit.
My aircraft.cfg is quite customised so did not want to lose that.
Turns out the gauge file L39set.CAB had been eaten.
I recall Vit used a gauge to simulate the castoring nosewheel, so I should have looked there in the first place.

Maybe there is a limit to the gauges folder size after all, this one is now 1.77GB and 7194 objects big...
My gauge folder has 15,308 items for a total of 1.6Gig. Still working like a champ.

L-39 Wheel XML Gauges

There is no limit on Gauges folder size or files. I back up MY gauges folder before I back up my aircraft. They would be hard to replace, that's for sure.

About the L-39 nose wheel. Well it all XML. Posky jets had that 'problem' if you used a different panel. There is entry in panel called ('posky debug') that is needed for wheels to be placed correctly. They contain the XML used. Same with L-39. It's done with XML. I use a different panel and just combined and then copied the 2 (vccockpit) sections into new panel cfg and the wheels work right. But even if gauges are in the VC they don't 'look' right due to vc bitmap being superimposed. But the nose wheel works right. Just in case you want to use a different 2D panel here is mod. Just place the 'l39set.CAB' in panel folder (or gauges folder). This is a quick and dirty 'fix' but I guess you could refine it all by using different $xxx file? Just now downloaded and installed this bird and did not 'finish' it.

//------------------ L-39C --------------- 11Aug14 --------------
[VCockpit01] //was (vcockpit02)
texture=$main //$lights_T

gauge00=L39set!l39attitude, 512,0,100
gauge01=L39set!l39ias, 0,0,100
gauge02=L39set!l39vvi, 256,0,100
gauge03=L39set!l39rpm, 0,768,100
gauge04=L39set!l39rcompass, 256,512,100
gauge05=L39set!l39alt, 0,256,100
gauge06=L39set!l39radioalt, 256,256,100
gauge07=L39set!l39clock, 0,512,100
gauge08=L39set!l39vbr, 824,300,100
gauge09=L39set!l39fuel, 824,400,100
gauge10=L39set!l39egt, 824,0,100
gauge11=L39set!l39vaind, 824,600,100
gauge12=L39set!l39engine, 256,768,100
gauge13=L39set!l39cabalt, 824,800,100
gauge14=L39set!l39gf, 512,800,100
gauge15=L39set!l39compass, 712,800,100
gauge16=L39set!l39jiskra, 512,350,100
gauge17=L39set!l39dist, 512,650,100
gauge18=L39set!l39warning, 0,0,100
gauge19=L39set!l39vhf, 256,256,100
gauge20=L39set!l39flaps, 256,320,100
gauge21=L39set!l39gear, 341,320,100 //<--- this, for nose gear
gauge22=L39set!l39trim, 462,362,100
gauge23=L39set!l39ils, 440,256,1

Chuck B
Well... do what I did above: download the latest, and make sure all the gauges are present.
You mean the ''. (That's all the 'gauges' you need). Inside that cab is the xml file that 'configures' the nose wheel (height, etc). That in turn is 'called' from the VC section in the panel.cfg (and no where else). You can put the '' in the panel folder (it's ok there). If you use a different panel be sure to add the vc sections from the L-39 panel to the new panel config. Then you will need to copy the to the new panel folder so that the nose wheel is 'configured' and so it will work as it should (not be cocked 90 degrees). Not hard at all.
Chuck B