My paint Program Will Not Paint The B-29 Mania Planes

casey jones

Charter Member
I have D/L the B-29 Mania Bombers for FS2004. but my Abacus paint program says unable to re-paint! Are there other paints of the B-29 and B-50?


I would have to reload the B-29 but I bet the problem is Abacus can't read the .bmp format.

There are different formats to .bmp files. You can notice this in the fact that Windows picture viewer can not display some of them.

To edit these files you may need to change the .bmp format to one your paint program understands before you try and edit it.

For that I would use DXTBmp by Martin Wright

You can get it here

Don't forget to install the updated .dll files that are needed by his program found here

When you first start the program click on the Help button. This will bring up a browser window with the information on the program and a good deal on information on types of image formats along with alpha channels and mips.

My guess would be the format that that your paint program can not read is DXT3 change it to 888-8 and you should have no problems painting it.
bin having this issue with photoshop as well!
will 888-8 do the trick, or should pshop cs2 be able to read dxt3?

is there a batch conversion in DXTBMP? I havent found it, alas.

thanks fellers.

is there a batch conversion in DXTBMP? I havent found it, alas

FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. FS2004/FSX BMP2DXT3 Batch Converter
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 80,184 Date: 07-16-2007 Downloads: 813
[SIZE=-1]FS2004/FSX BMP2DXT3 Batch Converter. A little batch script that will help you convert many texture files on the fly to DXT3 format without having to open/close the all one by one. By Nick Schreger.[/SIZE]

I just use MS's Imagetool with a batch file like this one:

imagetool -batch -32 -e bmp *.bmp

You can change the output format by changing the 32 to DXT3 or any of the other formats supported. Here's a list of all the commands supported:
One thing - be carefull with the -r recursive command. With this function, The imagetool app will not only process the bimaps in the folder it's sitting in, but also any subfolders. If you're converting to a DXT format, you'll need to move the panel folder to a safe location.
Typically FSRepaint fails to load a model rather than loading the textures.
If you remove the texture files from the aircraft folder and it still fails to load at least the grey fuselage then that would be the problem you're face with.

I have not found a work-around for that one which case an external application such as Adobe's Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro to do the painting and FS to test the results will be required.
