With previous Sims, whenever I get cocky and feel like I'm getting the best fps ever, I'll go to NYC and sit in slew mode above the city until everything loads, then fly a bit and see what it drops to, lol. It has never failed to bring me back to reality by putting me in single digits very quickly. I did the same with V4 and set the autogen and building density sliders to "Dense". This was the static result after allowing everything to load (approx 3-5 minutes). Once it was loaded I went back to flying and depending on the position of the airplane (my eyeview), it fluctuated between 9fps and 18fps.
My system is an AMD FX-4300 Quad Core, Processor is 3.9Ghz, 8Gig of Ram - 64bit/Win10 and an NVidia GTX 970 with 4Gig of Ram
My system is an AMD FX-4300 Quad Core, Processor is 3.9Ghz, 8Gig of Ram - 64bit/Win10 and an NVidia GTX 970 with 4Gig of Ram