My Repaints


Since releasing my latest repaint for the FlyingIron Spitfire Mk.IX a few weeks ago, I've been working on updating all nine of my Spitfire repaints released thus-far. These are all now posted to

I've re-titled all of them as "version 2", so as to show that they are all now on par with one another, all with the same amount of details.

These are the latest updates I've injected:

- Enhanced PBR materials/complete maps.
- Adjusted color values to achieve better in-game realism/accuracy (brightness and contrast levels, and hues in some cases).
- Added detail of the side door & hinge to the bump maps (normal maps), albedo and complete maps.
- Added the datum line plates (mounted on the port-side, forward and rear fuselage).
- Added the IFF aerial connection ports on fuselage to those that have them in reality (as seen within area of fuselage roundels).
- Re-textured the side door handle to uniquely match the real-world side door handle on each individual example.
- Painted the rear cockpit/glazing forward frame (before, by default, this was incorrectly painted the interior cockpit pale green color).
- Updated a few (mostly hidden) elements of the tail textures on some repaints.
- Added non slip on port wing of TB252 (matching real world aircraft).
- Removed modern non slip from port wing of factory fresh PT879 (now it looks no different than it would have when delivered new in 1944).
- A number of other small additions and refinements so that each repaint is on par with the other.

Next on my to-do list of Spitfire Mk.IX/XVI repaints includes RR232, MH434 (the definitive collection), another older version of TE184, TE392 and MK959.

Here are some screenshots of the updated repaints:

Spitfire Mk.IX PT879 "Factory Fresh"

A close-up showing the detail of the forward datum line plate (near firewall) and the added detail of the side door and hinge - details which have been added to all of my repaints - and the IFF aerial connection port (seen within the roundel), which has been added to each one that has those in reality.

A close-up showing the rear datum line plate (near the fuselage/tail production break).

Spitfire Mk.IX PT879 "The Russian Spitfire" (G-PTIX)

Spitfire Mk.IX MJ755 "The Greek Spitfire" (G-CLGS)

On each repaint, the side door interior handle has now been re-textured/re-colored to individually and accurately match each real aircraft. In this case, you can also see the signature that was added by WWII veteran pilot George Dunn, DFC, as well as details such as the forward datum line plate and the IFF aerial connection port now added to these repaints.

Spitfire Mk.IX MJ730 "The CO's Query" (N730MJ)

Great job! :medals:

It would be nice if a future FlyingIron update included the ability to remove the pilot
Thank you all for the compliments, I appreciate it! Although it always takes a lot of time to do each of these, it is a very rewarding model to make repaints for. Also, despite having been the first warbird released for MSFS, I think it is still the best all around MSFS warbird today, for having the least amount of visual inaccuracies (despite those it does have), one of the best sound sets (outside of Asobo/Microsoft), a tremendously high level of functionality/coding, and exceptionally accurate flight dynamics.
Many thanks for your time and involvement John!!! :applause:
These updated repaints are Fantatstic... :ernaehrung004:

My "four in one" set of repaints depicting Spitfire Mk.IX RR232 is now available here:

(I've also uploaded another update to my factory version repaint of PT879.)

Since its first post-restoration test flight in December 2012, Spitfire RR232 has appeared a bit differently over time. The following versions of RR232 are included:

- 'Factory', as it looked following restoration, void of all but original factory-applied markings.
- 'City of Exeter', as it looked when the City of Exeter name and crest were applied from 2016 onward.
- '611 Squadron', at it looked when it briefly wore FY-F fuselage codes for a John Dibbs photo shoot in the fall of 2016.
- 'Invasion Stripes', as it has looked since 2019 with full D-Day invasion stripes applied to the fuselage and wings.

The entire camouflage pattern was of course once again done from scratch to exactly match that of the real restored RR232.
