Mystery of Half Submerged Aircraft?


Charter Member
I have downloaded the "" and I am converting the package to my BoB Theatre.

Here is a picture from Mission 2 RAF.


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Submerged Hurri

Hi,yes it`s in one of my missions too,i think the facility setting is out but don`t know how to correct it,maybe delete each Hurri facility at a time.
I forget the reason; maybe contact points, but what are the circumstances? Is it actually in the mission; which it seems to be as you are moving down the runway? Is it an aircraft which is meant to take off after/with/before you, or just a static facility? Is it the same mission for both of you?? (which would make it easy!)
You do realise it's Britain in 'summer', it IS raining, and the Hurri has simply sunk in the mud........;)

IMHO very realistic scenery!


Nonsense, that's a heavily weed-clogged seaplane base: the Hurri is missing floats. Seriously, look for the moling fix linked above.
I also have suspicions of the facility file if it is just some static facility stuck in there just for the mission. Interesting if one uses the same airfield in a different mission or QC???
Thanks Fellows.

Mongoose has a good idea. I am trying to make a new facility by revising an old one.
These old Missions are just too good to leave and upgrading them or revising them to new Aircraft is a great learning experience.
The facility section is the most interesting. I am finding out you win some and loss some.
That is why it is so interesting.

I am able to draw on the vast experience and advice from "Great Fellows" like yourself.

I am old enough to remember the "Mole Fix." Is it available?
Hi rcafmad :wavey:,

I can email them if you PM your email to me. However, read the thread that I linked to - it says that it can occur in the facility making process, not sure whether the moles fix is enough, but definitely worth a shot. The moles fix only provides some read-only bdps for a specific set of older aircraft. If you are having the same problem when making facilities using new ETO standard aircraft, then you can't rely on the moles fix, but the thread above should provide some ideas (must admit to not having committed it to memory :mixed-smiley-027:)
Submerged Facility Aircraft

For what it`s worth iv`e found a facility ''fs_hurr_mk1_601_ufa'' and checking the aircraft file there is no such FS aircraft so the contact points can`t be seen,the others are all there and the contact points are all the same,that might be the submerged aircraft as in other missions the same thing happens one or more are underground while other Hurries stay on their wheels.:adoration:
Tried to alter facility aircraft but the sim bombs,here`s a pic of ''BA-BoB-0043



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Could it be the naming of the wheels? Perhaps one of our modelers knows what the cause is in gmax, and maybe then at least we'd have a clue what to look for in the bdp.
If all else fails... well I would hunt down the actual a/c's *.mdl that wuz 'moling' (static in vehicles or regular)
and swap it for one a bit more buoyant...
Confused yet? :dizzy:
Yeah Dan, the problem is those early models probably don't have a c_gear named in the m3d since the tail gear don't retract.
Thanks Steve, it sounds like one needs only to find that part in the bdp and change it to the correct naming.
Mystery of Half Submerged Aircraft

The Missions are found "new
I took one RAF Missions 3-BA_BoB-0002 and left the fs aircraft as is and made one change to BoB Aircraft.

I loaded it in the Practice folder of Missions in my BoB Theatre and fly it.

It opened with the Half Submerged Aircraft in full position.

It appears my facility conversion was not successful.

I have received the "Mole fix" from two great gentlemen and now I am going to review them and the converted facilities to see how
I can correct the "Half Submerged aircraft."

This is a great learning experience and at my age my mind clicking on all 8 cylinders.

Thanks again for the great help that I have received.
The Missions are found "new
I took one RAF Missions 3-BA_BoB-0002 and left the fs aircraft as is and made one change to BoB Aircraft.

I loaded it in the Practice folder of Missions in my BoB Theatre and fly it.

It opened with the Half Submerged Aircraft in full position.

It appears my facility conversion was not successful.

I have received the "Mole fix" from two great gentlemen and now I am going to review them and the converted facilities to see how
I can correct the "Half Submerged aircraft."

This is a great learning experience and at my age my mind clicking on all 8 cylinders.

Thanks again for the great help that I have received.

is the new version out ,,,,,,,,yet ,,,,,,,,,,,,bob