N142pa chalks by wellis


Anyone had a prob with installing the above texture for the Mallard TP in FS9?

Have happily and easily installed all of Wellis's previous textures for Milton's Turboprop Mallard.

When attempting to load the a/c with this skin, FS9 locks up and even the 'task manager' in Windows 10 cannot shut it down (that is a first for me).

Have religiously gone thru all the file naming and cfg entries, but no joy. Interestingly (or not!) when I substitute all of the entries from another texture folder then that skin is loaded OK, However, should I substitute a file from the original N142PA folder - LOCK UP when attempting to open the skin.

If no one else has a prob then I guess it is just a quirk in my system, but thought I would find out if anyone else had this very unusual lock up situation.

Thanks again to everyone on producing this fine model and outstanding skins, sounds etc.

Thanks for starting the thread. A fix has been uploaded as well as a revised complete file. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to Milton for helping to get it sorted out. wellis