Nachtpiloten's Ju 388 at Beau's CFS3


Home for tea and tiffin!
Uploaded at Beau's today is Ted's new Ju 388

"This is a Ju 388_J1 that was flown duirng late 1944 early 1945 in response to the German Air Ministry's concern that the American B-29 was going to replace the B-17 as the primary bomber. That never happned nor did the production ofJu388 ever exceed 100 aircraft or so. This plane was powered by a BMW 801 TJ-0 developing 1800 hp at 35,000 feet, far exceeding anything the allies had. This model represents the only known J1 produced."

The site is under redevelopment at the moment, so apologies for any inconsitancies.
View attachment 13117

View attachment 13118
This is a beautifull model, and I doubt very much, you'll be able to find this version of Ju 388 in any other sim at the moment ? I think we're quite lucky!
I hope a few missions will be made for it?:applause:
Looks great indeed! But more eye candy is always welcome. ;)

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<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_red" PosX="-11.05" PosZ="-0.9" PosY="1.21" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_tail" PosX="0" PosZ="-10.7" PosY="1.37" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_landing" PosX="-5.3" PosZ="0.55" PosY="0.58" MinVel="1" MaxVel="45"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_landing_effect" PosX="-5.3" PosZ="0.55" PosY="0.58" MinVel="1" MaxVel="43"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_eng0_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_eng1_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng1_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="bomber_exhaust_smoke" Location="emitter_eng0_exhaust" MinVel="20" MaxVel="150"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="bomber_exhaust_smoke" Location="emitter_eng1_exhaust" MinVel="20" MaxVel="150"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" MinVel="40" MaxVel="50" PosX="-11.05" PosY="1.2" PosZ="-1.3"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" MinVel="40" MaxVel="50" PosX="11.05" PosY="1.2" PosZ="-1.3"/>
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp0b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp1b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells2" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp2b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells3" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp3b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells4" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp4b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells5" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp5b0"/>

I really enjoyed making the 388. The plane has such great lines and just looks like an airplane is supposed to look like. I did not get around to making a mos file but I may or if someone else wants to that will be great.

Gray... the extra candy is always welcomed.
Looks great indeed! But more eye candy is always welcome. ;)

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_green" PosX="11.05" PosZ="-0.9" PosY="1.21" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_nav_red" PosX="-11.05" PosZ="-0.9" PosY="1.21" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_tail" PosX="0" PosZ="-10.7" PosY="1.37" MinVel="1" MaxVel="65"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_landing" PosX="-5.3" PosZ="0.55" PosY="0.58" MinVel="1" MaxVel="45"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_ac_Light_landing_effect" PosX="-5.3" PosZ="0.55" PosY="0.58" MinVel="1" MaxVel="43"></Effect>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame"
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fighter_exhaust_blue_flame" Location="emitter_eng1_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng0_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_engstrt" Location="emitter_eng1_exhaust"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="bomber_exhaust_smoke" Location="emitter_eng0_exhaust" MinVel="20" MaxVel="150"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="bomber_exhaust_smoke" Location="emitter_eng1_exhaust" MinVel="20" MaxVel="150"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" MinVel="40" MaxVel="50" PosX="-11.05" PosY="1.2" PosZ="-1.3"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" MinVel="40" MaxVel="50" PosX="11.05" PosY="1.2" PosZ="-1.3"/>
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp0b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp1b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells2" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp2b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells3" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp3b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells4" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp4b0"/>
<Effect Type="Shells5" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp5b0"/>

:icon29:Thanks for lighting her up greycap, they look real nice.:medals::medals:

Look at those black squares I get when firing my weapons.
To make them disappear I have to reinstall the ju388 guns and weapons files. But if I quit the game and re-enter the squares are back and I have to reinstall the guns-weapons again... what´s happening?


OK, the problem is a little bigger than I had previously thought. The black squares are also in the spitfire RNN from the spit pack released sept 15th. I´ve reinstalled the effect.xml and the problem continued.