NAKAJIMA B5N-2 Type 97 Model 12

cfs3 sound files,,,for this bird - any body have rec_____referal

NAKAJIMA B5N-2 Type 97 Model 12

B5N-2 has a Nakajima 11 radial engine, the A6M has a Nakajima 12 radial engine: in CFS 2 the B5N-2 sound is linked to the A6M, in PTO the A6M is linked to the P-47
@miamieagle - are there particular differences between CFS3 and 2 for sound files, or they mostly interchangeable? (this would save me a lot of work!)
I use the cfs2 sounds for my planes in cfs3 with no problems.I think they are by Lawdog.

ive used fsx, 2004 cfs2 and cfs3,,, its all in your taste and system :

p40 rocks using the fsx version ...imho