Together with Rick Piper's HS 748 and Andover, Esa's YS-ll is one of my favourite twin turbo-props in FS2004. Despite a lot of investigation and checking on gauge up-dates etc, I have never been able to get the engine controls to behave normally.
There is normally a 'feather' of the port prop during intial run up and when pulling the throttles fully back on touchdown. Initiating reverse thrust is just wild and I always opt for hard un-realistic braking and never fully retarding the throttles in order to prevent an unwanted prop feather or the run up of power in forward thrust when it should be in reverse thrust.
Does anyone else get the above situations?
Still fly this a/c a lot as it is a great hand-flyer, but would like to solve the engine and prop management probs.
There is normally a 'feather' of the port prop during intial run up and when pulling the throttles fully back on touchdown. Initiating reverse thrust is just wild and I always opt for hard un-realistic braking and never fully retarding the throttles in order to prevent an unwanted prop feather or the run up of power in forward thrust when it should be in reverse thrust.
Does anyone else get the above situations?
Still fly this a/c a lot as it is a great hand-flyer, but would like to solve the engine and prop management probs.