NAS Cecil Field to be be reborn (virtually) soon I hope.

Navy Chief

Senior Member
A bit of news that indirectly is related to A-7 Corsair IIs (and S-3 Vikings) is the beginning of development of NAS Cecil Field. A few days ago I had messaged scenery developer Nickb on, asking if he would consider creating Pinecastle, Fl Bombing Range. Nick replied, saying he would definitely look into it. I mentioned to him that when NAS Cecil Field was a active base, the squadrons flew to Pinecastle for bombing/strafing practice. He expressed interest in doing Cecil Field. If anyone isn't familiar with Nickb's creations, just do a search on for his name, and you'll see page after page of highly-detailed sceneries. I sent him a very large file of information about Cecil, like over 9 gb worth! Many months ago, I asked Ron Zambrano for his permission to use his A-7 series as static objects, to which he said sure! I then messaged Dino Cattaneo the same about his awesome S-3, and he replied, saying he needed to think about it. That was almost exactly a year ago, so this morning I msgd him again. Am crossing fingers he will relent, because Cecil Field won't be complete without S-3s! My plan is to depict Cecil Field in the mid-1980s, just as Hornets were being introduced to the fleet.
There have been other attempts by different designers to do Cecil Field, but none of them were that detailed, nor period based around the 1980s, just current day. My goal is to bring the base "back to its former glory". NC
Great news Chief...keep on them. Please PM me with Dino's contact information (and what you are requesting) and I will also message him. I'll also be asking Dino to work on a full fidelity S-3. Carry on!
I remember the days sitting in my TACCO seat staring out my little porthole at the starboard TF-34. Using my track ball and MPD, I had set up the target in the aircraft's GPDC under the Palatka MOA (Pine Castle Impact Range). We had a Zuni (rocket) pod on each of the port and starboard wing mounts. When the pilot called out that he was on his target run, the only thing I had to look forward to was a bunch of fireworks to my right in that dinky little porthole. It wasn't safe for me to unstrap and watch the fireworks out the windshield (and it was also a violation of NATOPS), so I had to just sit there and listen to the guys up front tell me how good they were at hitting the target (sure they were). Those were the days!
Lots of gunnery time down at Pinecastle to include having a M-60 barrel depart our helo and disappear in the sand. One night, Skipper decided pinnacle landing training (one-wheel landings) on top of a tank hulk was a good idea, popped a tire!
Try getting in touch with David Brice about using his models for statics. He let me use them for AI some years back.
Try getting in touch with David Brice about using his models for statics. He let me use them for AI some years back.
Well, I do have RAZBAMs A-7s which are very nice. Still waiting on reply from Dino. Not wanting to bug him about it. But no hurry, as NickB has not started work on Cecil yet. Good things come in time. No rush.
I used David's A-7 and S-3 models. I think that they were for FS9 and converted to FSX Native.
The other thing is the availability of liveries for both S-3 and A-7 Cecil squadrons. Will have to go back and check, but am fairly certain I was able to account for all squadrons, using Razbam A-7s and Dino's S-3s. I do not know about David's.