NAS N3N-3 Yellow Peril


Hi Folks,
Just uploaded a NAS N3N-3 Yellow Peril.




  • NAS N3N-3  1.jpg
    NAS N3N-3 1.jpg
    90.8 KB · Views: 5
Woo-HOOO !!!

Is this a modification of Scrubby's N3N? Will my Coast Guard repaint work on it?

I guess I'll find out later today when it shows up on the download list.

If it works I'll upload my Coast Guard paint for it. I made the CG skin back when the original floatplane was released, when I expected a wheeled version to follow shortly. The Coast Guard probably never operated it's handful of N3Ns (maybe only one) on floats.

This will be nice to keep in GW3 at Floyd Bennett Field, where the Coast Guard stationed a wheeled N3N for introductory flight training and screening in the immediate pre-WW2 period.
Thank you :applause:
A first quick test indicate that lights are to be put in the right place
Hi Folks,
Just uploaded a NAS N3N-3 Yellow Peril.



Cool. Theres one of these at the local airport near me McCollum Field that flies regularly on weekends. One question... will this airplane do acrobatics? I know the stearman wouldnt and the engine would die if you flew inverted very long at all. i see the screen shot of what looks like a hammerhead stall?

Well, google is your friend...answered my own question...

An early Xmas present! Thank you! I got to fly a real one years ago that was based in NH. I've always hoped someone would make a wheeled version since Steven Grant did the original float model.

BTW: These old bipes (Stearman and N3N) were used for aerobatic training by the military but didn't have the inverted fuel and oil systems that we think of today.

Better lights position


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -0.1, -16.18, -0.46, fx_navred
light.1 = 3, -0.15, 16.18, -0.46, fx_navgre
light.2 = 4, -5.5, 0.00, -2, fx_vclight
light.3 = 1, 0, 0.00, -5.9, fx_beacon
Holy guacamole, that was fast!!!
Absolutely outstanding, Shessi. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to crank out this bird. :encouragement:
You're most welcome.

Lovely little bird, I had a good time over NY from Floyd Bennett Field, round the Chrysler and Empire State buildings in a GW3 world.



Whoops, missed that one. Being a trainer I didn't take it up at dusk, thanks, I'll get it changed.

My external textures work, but the Coast Guard paint needs the wheel image patched into the appropriate texture file, and some of the other texture files are different. So it will take a little copy and pasting, mixing and matching, and renaming before they're ready to use. I might get to that later today.

I did a whole series of simple repaints back when Steven Grant first released the plane for FS2002 and I still have them, so I don't have any actual painting to do, just the fiddling I mentioned, It should be pretty quick and easy; no actual work involved. If it keeps raining I'll get it done today for sure. It the weather gets nice, it may have to wait a little while.

The series includes the Coast Guard paint I wrote of in my earlier post. There's a yellow Navy trainer in a series that shows the changes in the national insignia through WW2, and there's one from the flight stationed at the Naval Academy until 1962, the last biplanes in U.S. military service.

Watch this space...
Oh no! :dizzy:

The Coast Guard paint won't work with the modified model! The texture mapping on the rudder is different. Instead of painting the model as the colors are on the texture file, the front part of the rudder is mirrored on the rear part, making it impossible to paint the rudder stripes. Check it out:

View attachment 12325

On the texture file are the standard Coast Guard verticak rudder stripes, three red and two white. But on the model the sequence is repeated. I did enough fiddling to be sure it can't be remedied by moving the colors around on the texture file.

Is there any chance of getting the model mapped like the Grant and Scrub versions?

Meanwhile I found something else I should change. All the paints were made for the original FS2002 release, and they depict an N3N-1 with a metal-skinned rear fuselage and panel lines. Somehow in the transition between then and now the plane has become an N3N-3 with a fabric-covered rear fuselage and formers. Actually, the Coast Guard and Naval Academy paints really should go on a -3. The other paints would be appropriate on either version.

OK, that's done. All the skins now have fabric rear fuselages with former lines showing. Oh, I hope we can get that wrinkle in the rudder mapping fixed so we can use the Coast Guard skin! It's my favorite N3N paint, and the closest thing to a colorful N3N scheme we're likely to get, at least unless someone wants to paint up some civilian warbirds.
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Hi Mick, really sorry to be a pain, but can you take off the BOLD setting when you post? For me, when I scroll through the posts, it really jusps out & almost looks like 'shouting'.
Blimey Mick!

While I'm at it do you want me to move the ashtray a little to the left?....;)

Done, now a separate tex for the rudder.

PM me with your email, so you can try it out.


For Mick and general info, I've just re-uploaded the N3N package which includes the new rudder tex mapping, rudder tex and lights cfg.

Rami is going to swap the file for the old one, so when up, some time over the weekend, go get it.


I tried to install the paint pack(all) but when selecting the aircraft all the new paints come up as a black screen in the selection menu. I added the files in the common folder to all the paints and used the new cfg file per instructions. What did I do wrong?
I tried to install the paint pack(all) but when selecting the aircraft all the new paints come up as a black screen in the selection menu. I added the files in the common folder to all the paints and used the new cfg file per instructions. What did I do wrong?
I had a similar problem. Check the texture folders to be sure each folder has 14 .bmp files which is how many you should have after you copied the common files. Now look at the Aircraft.cfg file and on each entry that shows model=1 remove the number 1 and then save the file. I think that is what is preventing you from selecting a plane because removing the 1's solved the problem for me. Now you should be in business. :encouragement:
Nice re-paints there mate, thanks.

(It seems that the new aircraft.cfg was set up for using both mdl's, maybe consider re-uploading after removing the 1 from the model=1 line, as this is causing an issue?)


Nice re-paints there mate, thanks.

(It seems that the new aircraft.cfg was set up for using both mdl's, maybe consider re-uploading after removing the 1 from the model=1 line, as this is causing an issue?)



Yep, that's what happened. I changed the contents of the folder but neglected to edit the cfg file accordingly.

:banghead: It's always something!

I will make the substitution as you suggested. Apologies to those who've been annoyed by my error!
Yep that was the problem ,no worries no ones perfect(that's what the cute girl in the insurance commercial says).
Yep, that's what happened. I changed the contents of the folder but neglected to edit the cfg file accordingly.

:banghead: It's always something!

I will make the substitution as you suggested. Apologies to those who've been annoyed by my error!

I'm too busy enjoying your work (and Shessi's too) to be annoyed, having to make the tiniest of tweaks was no inconvenience at all. Thanks to the both of you.


BTW Shessi, did you move that ashtray in the end? ;-)