Navigation Question


Dumb I'm sure, but I'm still relatively new here! So I've flown to my target, dropped my bomb, missed, and have no real prospect of destroying said target. I want to fly home and at least land my machine and I'd certainly like to warp some of it. How do I switch to the next waypoint?
Sorry if I wasn't clear, what I mean is that warping always seems to take me to my target (maybe I'm wrong?). If I've dropped my ordnance and failed, I'd at least like to fly home. I'm asking how do I get the next waypoint after the target to be where my radar points me and where I'd warp to if I hit X? Maybe I need to do more detailed analysis. Sorry for any confusion.
My experience is that if you haven't gone through a wp, warp will take you back to it, especially a target wp. Not a problem unless the mission won't let you if you failed. IIRC you may be able to warp after you get a certain distance away from the target wp (maybe all the way to the next one??); haven't tried it for a while tough.
If you miss with your bombs or don't hit your target.The game engine will make you stay there..
Yea, that is why I always have unlimited ammo settings..(shift+J) to reload..
One of the things the game engine will do if the Target is a way point set to stop , you Have to destroy the target before the warp will work again..

you can hit "M" to see your waypoints in the mission and follow them that way..If you miss..

As a mission builder I have started to give the kill value a low number say 10% damage.. this way a near miss will give you a success and allow one to warp home..
Setting the damage value at (90%) makes sure you kill the target But requires you hit it perfectly..
Which is often hard to do with nasty bad guys trying to shoot you down while your on a bomb run..

I realize that it isn't perfect having a unlimited ammo setting, but it will allow you to finish a mission without being stuck at the target..

Or you have to open the mission information during the flight with "M" and then follow the trail home..
I hope this helps..
If you know how to use the mission builder you can go in and change the damage settings yourself. Frankly in reality one was lucky to achieve anything more than 50% at best; especially in the dark. If it's daylight low level then maybe 75% !!
Sorry if I wasn't clear, what I mean is that warping always seems to take me to my target (maybe I'm wrong?). If I've dropped my ordnance and failed, I'd at least like to fly home. I'm asking how do I get the next waypoint after the target to be where my radar points me and where I'd warp to if I hit X? Maybe I need to do more detailed analysis. Sorry for any confusion.

You hit shift + W to get the next waypoint set up. Then you can either fly or warp to the next waypoint.
Does this mean that even if you miss your target completely you can set the next waypoint and in essence skip the target waypoint? Or if you get bounced early in the mission and need to go home early you can skip waypoints until the next one is home base and just warp home?
Does this mean that even if you miss your target completely you can set the next waypoint and in essence skip the target waypoint? Or if you get bounced early in the mission and need to go home early you can skip waypoints until the next one is home base and just warp home?

Yes! Its undesirable in a campaign of course. You will start to lose ground. Depending upon who wrote the campaign and how finely balanced the competing powers' supply and consumption modes are, a couple of missed targets can really set you back.

Cheats - open the last .cmpstat file created using Notepad or other simple text editor, (and saved under your My Documents pathway in the campaign folder) and find the successmod field which is up the top. If its positive thats good (max reading is 20). If its negative then you are losing the campaign and can change it to a positive number,. The effect of this is that the points/whatever it is that you gain for the squadron and which influence the frontline after a successful mission, will all count against the enemy. If the successmod is negative the frontline will be little influenced by the successful mission.

Getting bounced early in the mission is a drag. When I'm serious about winning a campaign, I try to run away/avoid enemy at least until I've succeeded with the mission goal. I don't know how that played in real life missions? I guess it depended upon the importance of the mission. Otherwise you burn fuel and ammo and either lose vital ordinance for achieving the misison objectives, run out of fuel on the way home, or both.
Just tried it out and it works well. It's a real handy piece of information and I think it will help missions play out more realistically. Say you are forced to drop your tanks on a long escort mission well before they were dry. No real pilot would ever continue with mission due to fuel concerns. Now we have the freedom to turn back as well without having to make the mission too lengthy to finish (at least for those of us with limited time!) Thanks for the tip!