NAVRAD/ILS Function Missing Post Update?


Charter Member
Is anyone else having issues with the Nav Radio & ILS function post update? My GPS nave works fine but all of the sudden, the NAVRAD/VOR/ILS doesn't seem to work.

Also a while back something changed in sim that changed most airfields over to Unicom Traffic and you can't access the ATC. Any ideas on what might be causing that? Can't find any information about it so far.
Update, I found the issue and fixed it. I had moved my Community Folder to see if anything in it was causing the problem, Nada. I then look at my most recent major changes including an install of the excellent TDS GTNXi and also bought a subscription to Navigraph/Simbrief but had temporarily removed those two programs & data from my PC, and some of my core FS2020 files & functions went with it. New lesson learned about verifying dependencies before deleting some things. FACEPALM! LOL!