Need guidance on AvHistory Wepons Pack


Charter Member
Been so long away from CFS3 i forgot were the first 4 folders go for the AvHistory Weapons pack download i got from here,for example,AvHistory_fr_round_darne, AvHistory_fr_round_HS_9 , AvHistory_fr_round_HS_404 and AvHistory_fr_round_MAC_1934 folders. (there is no read-me included with downloads) Thanks for any help.
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Been so long away from CFS3 i forgot were the first 4 folders go for the AvHistory Weapons pack download i got from here,for example,AvHistory_fr_round_darne, AvHistory_fr_round_HS_9 , AvHistory_fr_round_HS_404 and AvHistory_fr_round_MAC_1934. Also the effects files,full preload XML and effects XML downloads, i don't know where they go. (there is no read-me included with downloads) Thanks for any help.

Hi sixstrings5859,

firstly just checking you know that MAW and ETO and BoB addons come with all necessary AvHistory weapons. So you only need to add the weapons pack to other installs that you are creating.

Weapons (rounds, rockets bombs etc) go into the Weapons folder of the install. Preload.xml and effects.xml are root files going into the main install path just like all the other essential xmls (pilotconstants,sound.xml, etc).

Any effects textures go under Effects/fxtextures pathway.

Handling Weapons Textures
Some of the weapon skins (eg. for bombs, rockets, associated pylons) may already be located in the aircraft/shared folder or subfolders. I find that in an install where I've added lots of stuff, weapons textures end up all over the place. Some in Pylons folder, some in Weapons folder, some in Aircraft/shared folder. Its worth checking and removing older duplicate named textures for the weapons, to ensure that the new bomb/rocket etc textures show up consistently after installing the AvHistory weapons pack. If an older duplicately named .dds texture is anywhere within the install, it can stuff up the consistent rendering of the newer texture.

Hi Sixstrings,

I see what your talking about... those 4 files you mentioned are repeated in the 'weapons' folder that
was just d/l'd. The difference is the 'Tracereffect', and because they have a newer date and my ETO
and other expansions use them, I would overwrite the existing ones in that 'Weapons' folder with them :).