Need help draining a pond

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I installed one of the MAIW packages.....C-5 East or something like that. Has Wright Patterson AFB as part of the package. The scenery looks nice, other than one of those elevated MS ponds. The land all around is at the same level, except for this pond...which is elevated about 50 odd feet or so and spilling out of its banks onto the flat land around it.

How can I drain the pond, fry up the catfish in it, level the empty pond down to the level of the land around it? I want the pond GONE!

Steve Greenwood's is a simple flatten bgl maker. Not very useful for contours but great for things that ougtta be flat, like ponds. Just fire it up, establish the height (double click on what gets typed in to change to feet), slew around the shoreline making as many apexes as you want, connect the dots and make a bgl. Toss it in addon scenery/scenery and go fishing.

Oops, sometimes I don't read the last bit. Can't help make it disappear. Sorry.

Thanks for the info. Will download and install the program and flatten that pond. I'm sure someone will be along and can tell me how to change the land class for that area or whatever I need to do to get rid of the pond.


PS: Now that I think about it, I have a TON of lakes and ponds that are elevated and need brought down to ground level.
I've been using a combination of programs for my FS scenery editing purposes. For this stuff, I use a little program I found on called Coast Line Maker. Simple little thing - does everything you can do with LWM polygons - rivers, streams, lakes, beaches, etc. LWM polygons actually work very well for flattening provided you set the elevation of the LWM polygon at the correct height.
I have noted a similar issue with my FS9. When tooling around over London, I see what appear to be icebergs (not with penguins or polar bears on them - but the ice NEVER melts and is great for use with a good mixed drink!) all over the city. They are bluish-white pyramidal objects scattered at random around the city, and there isn't any area or type of scenery they seem to be peculiar to. About the only thing I can say about their placement is it seems to be even, they aren't clustered anywhere. What does anyone think they are, and is there something available that could get rid of them?
DangerousDave the coordinates for the pond at KFFO are:

N39* 50.10'
W84* 2.68'

I tried using FSTutilities to create a flatten to flatten the didn't work. Do I need to use the LWM type to work with water features?...cause I used the other kind...the L16 or whatever.

Still need some input on how to change the landclass for that area to remove the water setting.

The water poly is in hp925170.bgl

default path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Scenery\Namc\Scenery

You can not exclude flattens in FS9 which is basically what a lake is from what I am reading but you can edit the default file. You could remove the water poly but the lake is here IRL so it would make more sense to lower the altitude of all of the points that make up the poly.

That can be done with sBuilder. Might also be possible with LWMviewer 1 or 2 but I did not go so far as to learn how to do it those two as I already did most of this once before with sbuilder.

The problem becomes that once you lower the elevation of the lake autogen goes nuts around it. IRL there are no buildings around the lake.

Here is what it would look like. The tower is there as a reference point.

To get rid of all of the autogen you could create an exclude to blow out all the objects.
What I have is; Settings-everything checked
Grid LOD- LOD13 (don't know what difference it makes, it was set that way from the start)
Method- Area16N

Again, after copying the height from slew, double click it to change to feet. I used this tool to drop several water/lake mesas created by Rhumbys mesh so it will work on waters in some cases.

I tried installing Gordon Perry's KFFO using his AFCAD, then installing only the A/C and flightplans from MAIW but not the excludes or AFCADS from them. The A/C show up and park correctly but not labeled as AI and I have yet to see any C5 flying. Could be the AFCAD has limited parking but shouldn't the A/C I see be labeled? When I switched to the MAIW AFCAD no A/C showed up at all. Still don't see any raised lake though.