need help ,,for answer not off topic


my daughter is in teachers/college and shes doing a project .

question is

"why is it good to use a flight sim"

what are the benefits

any help appreacited

guess who

well LB you and i are a good example. wer'e disabled and can't participate in the real world. it keeps our hand eye cordination sharp.the brain working out flight procedures,stratigies,reaction time.
if your a creator it really makes the mind work creating things for it. its a hobby,for some it fulfills the "want" to be a pilot that wasn't available,to most of the masses.a childhood fanticies,maybe reliveing a past life for a youngster it can be a training device to become a pilot to serve the community,and national defence.the newest warfare by pilots isn't flying the real planes. but flying "my babies" from a contorl room, just like we're doing. but a real weapon is on the other end of their joystick. and its 30.000. miles away.the military now needs geeks like us to conduct war. it also sells computers,programs, periferals,enough reasons? :kilroy:

I almost forgot historical buffs. and the lives sacrificed to keep us what we call free.
:kilroy:Loverboy1, in no particular order:

1. R & R.

2. Immersion.

3. A connection to history.

4. Most of what SLIP STREAM said.

5. Love of the sim.

6. Therapy.

7. Cameraderie.

...but, most importantly of all:
8. You can't go around punching other people in the nose on a daily basis, but you can come into this sim and blow the everlovin' heck out of anything you choose and get away with it.

Thank you.:d
thka sto both of you i send her your reviews and summaries ....she is "elated" , but best of all i copied and pasted your summaries ,,,,,she loved the fact it was in well veresed and written english, as many may or may not know i cant spell well....


joshua /lb