Need help playing


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I am a little knew at this. My phase 2 is loaded and I can play it I wanted to download an add on and install it. It shows up as installed but when I try to play it it says improper aircraft or mission file failed to load and display goes crazy. Maybe I need instruction or direction on how to properly install a mission and get it started. I spent 32 years in the army thats probably my problem. My thanks to anyone who has pity on me and helps.
I'll have pity, if you answer a question first. What the heck are you doing installing a mission, when you by your own admission are a beginner.

Have you played Quick Combat

Have you played Campaign

Have you discovered the Missions TAB should be bypassed

Have you discovered that downloaded missions are accessed on the Hanger Page of Campaign :ernae:
Hi Dave,

Welcome to OFF

Most of the Mission Creators also create special modified planes or Zeppelins, etc.
If you don't have these installed too, you'll get an error message

Best Bet is to contact the creator of the mission and see what is required to to make it run
Probably some simple additional installs

If you don't know who created it, try contacting pilotsden
He does a lot of that

Oh, and thanks for those 37 years of service!

take the offending mission out.

I am a little knew at this. My phase 2 is loaded and I can play it I wanted to download an add on and install it. It shows up as installed but when I try to play it it says improper aircraft or mission file failed to load and display goes crazy. Maybe I need instruction or direction on how to properly install a mission and get it started. I spent 32 years in the army thats probably my problem. My thanks to anyone who has pity on me and helps.
go to the download site and download any of the last missions i have done. install the mission in the missions,whatif folder.
then it this fails to work for you go ahead and pm me. we'll get you up and running shortly thereafter.
Check out the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats #23

The whole schtic is listed

While you're there, see #1 thru #22 . . . it couldn't hurt :ernae:
I have played quick combat haven't been into campaigns yet, I have by passed missions. What I did was ex. downloaded a mission update, followed directions, installed into missions/what if and tried to play. any pity yet?