Need help - Problem Vista FS9 AFCAD


Hello anybody,

playing a long time with CFS2 I discoverd FS9 again. But after buying a new computer with Vista as OS I now have two problems:

1) Fs9 is running fine but I cannot insert scenery in the library. All works fine until I have to press "OK". Nothing happens, the small window showing the directory remains white. Using the button for getting one directory level higher FS9 from time to time accepts - strange!

2) Even I've installed FSUIPC there is no link between AFCAD and FS9, e.g. I cannot pose my aircraft via "jump here"

Thanks for suggestions
Two things you can do to correct that:
Uninstall Vista and go back to XP and if that's not an option, turn off the "User Account Control" function. You can google that and find easy to follow instructions. Once that's turned off you should be fine.

I assume that you're talking about adding scenery via the scenery library inside FS9 correct?
Thank you falcon409,

it's correct I mean the scenery library. After deactivating the UAC the problem still remains - but AFCAD now links up with FS9.
There is a 3rd option. Do not install Fs9 on the same drive as Vista. Then UAC will leave it alone. I installed all my games on a separate drive.
Hi Alain,

thank you for the cue. I read already about that on this forum and after some bad experiences I keep system/programs and data/games etc. on seperate drives ... I just wonder that my problem with the scenery library seems to be a kind of solitary phenomenon
I think I know what you're talking about now. I've had the same thing happen to me. When you select to add new scenery, then browse to the Addon Scenery directory (or wherever you have the scenery file located) and select that scenery folder it should then show the "scenery" and "texture" folders and in the space below for "Scenery Area Title" there must be a name there, most of the time it will automatically be inserted after you select the scenery folder, but sometimes it doesn't and if it doesn't and you select ok it will simply sit there and do nothing. . . .it's waiting for a title to add to the scenery library list (just type in what you want to call it). Also, on occassion, when you hit ok, it will change the screen slightly, clear the path box that was just showing but not go back to the scenery library list, but if you hit "ok" one more time it goes back to the list and the new scenery is there.
Hello falcon,

sorry for answering late, but I was very busy the last days. It's indeed as you described. FS9 "accepts" my sceneries mostly when I hit the button for going back one level in the folder structure.

I'm content for now having found a way to add the sceneries to FS9, but by the way, I have the same problem including sceneries in FSX.

FSX is kind of more cross-grained. I mean I have to go into the space above "search in" (as I suppose it is called, because I have a german version), choose for whatever reasen the folder on level above the scenery path I want to add and wonder, wonder, wonder the scnerey is added to the library. Another mystery with FSX is that I cannot find the (right) scenery.cfg in the place where it should ...