Need help with a couple of freeware aircraft models


Charter Member
Hi guys,

I've only had FS9 up and running for a couple of weeks. I'm running Golden Wings 3 and have downloaded about 15 vintage freeware aircraft from the 20's and 30's. All of them are running just fine except two:

1. Boeing 221a (from Ford Trimotor Project and Simviation)
2. Fokker F.II (from AvSimRUS and Simviation)

In both cases I can load them and view the different skins in Create Flight, but when I hit the Fly Now button I get a CTD every time. I've got two versions of each one from different download locations, but they have the same file dates with the same problem for me.

Just wondering if any of you have either of these aircraft running on Win 7 or if you have any ideas on tweaks to get them running. My FS9/GW3 installation is otherwise running very smoothly with all of my other vintage planes. If you've got one or both models running on Win 7 could you zip them up and send them to me (I'll send you my email address). I'd like to see if they will run on my machine. I know these models are becoming dated and technology moves on, but thought I would ask before I give up on them.

Try either renaming or removing the panel folder (or edit the aircraft.cfg [flight.x] sections to be sometning like panel=null to see if it is a guage that the OS doesn't like. if so, then we have a starting point.
Thanks for this info, wbuchart. I started with the Fokker F.II and made some progress.

I said I had identical files of the Fokker F.II but the panel folders were different. The first one had only a panel folder with a panel.cfg that said this:


I have the Vickers Vimy that works just fine with gauges, but the above version of the F.II goes CTD when I hit Fly Now.

The second version of the F.II had a different panel folder that included a panel.cfg full of info about the Vimy gauges, a that had gauges similar to the ones I've already got for the Vimy (not sure if they match exactly yet) and a Vimy Background bmp file. "As is" this one also CTD'ed when hitting the Fly Now button.

So on this second one I deleted the file and the F.II now loads when I hit Fly Now, and has a background panel in the cockpit, but no gauges.

I'll do a test unzip of the into my gauges folder, but I won't overwrite any existing gauges I've got as I don't want to kill my Vickers Vimy panel, but I'm curious if these gauges from the F.II are an exact file name match or also has new file names, or all new file names.

So the F.II is now loading and I can fly it, but with no gauges. I'll report back on the contents of the gauges zip file, but also would appreciate your thoughts as I am unsure about any of this.

Thank you!
Thank you, wbuchart!

By pointing me to the gauges folder I now have the F.II running with gauges, and learned something new. I needed to move the to the Gauges folder which I hadn't done. Didn't know I could put a zip file in the Gauges folder and FS9 would read it. The Panel.cfg file was calling the gauges from the Gauges folder, but they weren't there. I assumed they were, but my Vickers Vimy is using its own gauges from its Panel folder. At least that's the best I can

Now I'll have a go at the Boeing 221a to see if maybe the same thing is going on. I may be back if not, and will let you know either way :encouragement:
Ok, just looked at the Boeing 221a and it won't run yet, but I think I'm starting to understand better. And here is what I did and my question:

In the 221a Panel folder I found about 20 .gau files. So I moved them to my Gauges folder, but still no joy. Then I started reading the Panel.cfg file and there are gauges named that I don't have at all in my Gauges folder. I've highlighted them below:

gauge00=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 241,716,189,49
gauge01=SimIcons1024!ATC Icon, 241,580,20,20
gauge02=SimIcons1024!GPS Icon, 261,580,20,20
gauge03=SimIcons1024!Map Icon, 281,580,20,20
gauge04=SimIcons1024!Electrical Panel Icon, 321,580,20,20
gauge05=SimIcons1024!Starter Icon, 301,580,20,20
gauge06=Douglas_DC3!annunciator_gear_locked, 183,603,21,28
gauge07=Douglas_DC3!annunciator_gear_unlocked, 183,632,21,28
gauge08=b221_carbheat!b221_carbheat, 810,681,61,89
gauge09=b221_park_brake!b221_park_brake, 941,679,61,89
gauge10=b221_nav_light!b221_nav_light, 810,628,38,53
gauge11=b221_land_light!b221_land_light, 848,628,38,53
gauge12=b221_panel_light!b221_panel_light, 886,628,38,53
gauge13=b221_gear_swch!b221_gear_swch, 138,605,38,53
gauge14=l29_vor_01, 679, 477 ,103,103
gauge15=b221_fuel!b221_fuel, 235,604,109,109
gauge16=b221_airspeed!b221_airspeed, 349,469,109,109
gauge17=l29_adf_slaved, 686,582,103,103
gauge18=Cessna!Fuel_Selector, 37,670,72,90
gauge19=b221_man_press!b221_man_press, 457,579,109,109
gauge20=b221_rpm!b221_rpm, 570,580,109,109
gauge21=p38f_lightning!Attitude-Indicator, 458,469,109,109
gauge22=p38f_lightning!Directional-Gyro, 240,469,109,109
gauge23=f4u1a_corsair!Hydraulic_Pressure, 119,681,86,79
gauge24=f4u1a_corsair!Hydraulic_Pressure_Warning, 125,665,21,20

gauge25=gl2t_altimeter!gl2t_altimeter, 567,469,109,109
gauge26=b221_cyl_temp!b221_cyl_temp, 456,685,83,83
gauge27=b221_oil_press!b221_oil_press, 539,685,83,83
gauge28=b221_oil_temp!b221_oil_temp, 621,685,83,83
gauge29=b221_fuel_press!b221_fuel_press, 705,685,83,83
gauge30=b221_vsi!b221_vsi, 348,600,109,109

The first line is pointing to a zip file in the gauges folder named: Bendix_King_Radio which I don't have (nor do I have a loose file named Bendix-King Radio DME, but I do have a loose file named Bendix _King_Radio.dme.gau
So should I change the Panel.cfg line above to read Bendix_King_Radio.dme or do I need to put my file in a zip file named Bendix_King Radio first (ie: if there is a zip file call, is the zip file required, or if the file exists as a loose file will that work even though a zip file name preceeds it?).

Second question. I don't have an f4u1a_corsair zip file in my Gauges folder or a P38f_Lightning zip file (nor loose gauges of the names following the zip file names above). Where can I find these zip files? I'll go looking for them, but will be like looking for a needle in a haystack I would think. Now I know why most planes come with a Gauges zip file as these modelers could be using any assortment of gauges that others might not

Last question, the b221 gau files that did come with the b221 download were loose, yet above it looks like they are being called from an assortment of zip file names. If I just move them as loose files to the Gauges folder will that work. Or should I remove the zip file names from the Panel.cfg section I copied above, or do I need to zip up the loose b221 gauge files into the assorted zip files named in the Panel.cfg above.

Sorry for the long explanation. A light has come on but I still need help with the syntax and rules. :wavey:

P.S. If anyone has a B221a running and would be willing to send me a zip file of the gauges above (plus your b221 panel file if different from above) it would be greatly appreciated. This might be something they could add to the Ford Trimotor Project as part of their B221a download. :adoration:
Maybe this will help:

Copied from the readme document:

Copy the GaugeSound.dll file into your FS Main Folder. Easygauge 2.0, what I used to make gau's, says this file is needed. If you already have one of my later planes, you most likely have this file already installed.

Also, I copied the Douglas_DC3.CAB into the Boeing 221a Panel folder.!!
The Boeing flys well for me with never a crash.....BTW: my OS is Windows 8.1 64 bit with 8 gig ram in a DELL OptiPlex 745 box.

About the PANEL.CFG - BENDIX & CESSNA are both part of CAB files in your gauge folder. All the B221 GAU's are in the B221 panel folder.
No, just leave them in the folder as is, they work fine. As I said, been flying this old girl over FIVE years! The other gauges, P38 & F4U
need to be in your gauge folder for FS. Used in various aircraft. Hope this helps. Really, as it is downloaded - the Boeing 221a
flys well in FS9...just insure the GaugeSound.dll is in the FS9 main folder - not sure about GW but you may need to copy the DLL into
the main GW folder as well. Good luck.
Ed Moore
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Thank you, Ed...the GaugeSound.dll file was the problem and I've got the 221 up and running now!

I had meticulously followed Steps 1-6 in your Readme, but stopped at the numbered points and got into the weeds when I didn't need to..doh! :stupid:

The B221 has a beautiful cockpit layout and I will be flying it later tonight around the Pacific Northwest.

Thank you!
Great news!

Happy for you! It is a fun airplane to fly. Tim did a great job on it.......
Surprise, may have a upgraded livery for the old girl - BFU & LON, both a bit tweaked.
Check out the site around Thanksgiving....take care Now go fly!


Hi Ed (or others also),

I've got trouble. Decided to post it here as it may or may not be due to the GaugeSound.dll I installed above (I have no idea).

My last actions today are listed in this thread. I got the Fokker F.II working and ran it down the runway and took off then came back in and landed...all was well.

Then I installed the GaugeSound.dll for the B221 and it loaded up. I saw it on the runway but did not fly it. Later tonight I was going to fly it, but had no elevator control. Ailerons and rudder are fine. Then I decided to fly another plane, but had no elevator. Then tried a bunch more planes and no elevator control in any plane in my FS9 installation.

I went to Settings...Configure Joystick and it has elevator there. I recalibrated it anyway. I've tried my joystick in IL-2 1946 and it works fine, including the elevator.

I've tried rebooting my computer multiple times, but no joy. I removed the GaugeSound.dll from the FS9 main directory, but that didn't help. I finally moved dxdiag.xml, FS9.cfg, and FS9.CFG.text files out of AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/FS9 folder but that didn't help either (I did have to set up my graphics, etc in FS9, so I could tell it knew they were gone).

I've permanently lost my elevator in FS9 planes, but only FS9 planes. Everywhere else, including the Settings\Calibrate Joystick section of FS9 and other flight sims it works fine.

Help! I know nothing about dll's. Could moving the GaugeSound.dll into an active position where it fixed my B221 have hammered another file and broke something so specific as elevator controls only at the plane level, but not in the Calibrate section of FS9? If not, any ideas what has happened? I'm hoping not to have to reinstall my entire FS9, in particular with something so specific wrong. Are there other files outside of my FS9 main directory and AppData that could have been touched or become corrupted. I know this is like working on cars where two different things can happen simultaneously that are unrelated, so it may have nothing to do with the installation of GaugeSound.dll but I'm suspicious of it as it was the last thing I did before my install broke. But moving it out of my FS9 main directory has not helped...does it hit other files once its active?

Thanks for your help in advance!
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Wow, what bad news! I am at a loss to understand
what is causing the problems you are having. As stated
I have been using the DLL in question for way over five
years. No idea what is causing your problems.

Are you in Fs9 or GW?

Hi Ed,

I'm in GW...but it is now in all Microsoft Flight Sim products I have installed.

I just checked a virgin stand alone installation of FS9 that I've got separate from GW and I have no elevator there. Also, in trying to actually fly in CFS3 I've got the same problem. The elevator will go into full deflection sometimes, but mostly won't move at all (I thought it was working in CFS3 when I quickly checked earlier, but what I saw was a full deflection move).

Then I just flew Wings Over Flanders Fields and I have no elevator there either. But in IL-2 1946 and Rise of Flight I've got my elevator working fine. So this is some universal file that Microsoft uses in its fiight sims that has taken a hit, and so reinstalling just GW won't help now.

I'm going to post this as a separate thread in both FS2004 and CFS3 to ask for help, as all my MS flight sims are now disfunctional.
Happy for you! It is a fun airplane to fly. Tim did a great job on it.......
Surprise, may have a upgraded livery for the old girl - BFU & LON, both a bit tweaked.
Check out the site around Thanksgiving....take care Now go fly!



After my little fiasco with my controls I got a chance to fly the 221 last night. Thanks for the livery work, panel, and any other work you and/or Garry did for it!

Also, thanks to Tim if he's around to see this!

Very nice! :encouragement: