Need help with a repaint



Hi guys, i'm starting on a new repaint
but there are some detailes that are missing on the repaint
i dont know how to solve that a little help will be welcome
the problem is like this:

This is the plain that i'm repainting:
Spitfire ixc from the stock airplain CFS3


Here i'm starting on the repaint:


Like you see there is something missing here is the
left side finisched.


Its a sollid smooth street cammo but if you see the
standart collor on the wings you see like plate working paint
rivets? or how do you call this?

bellow is where im colloring in a flamische Lion


Now here is it finisched like the best thing i can do for now


But i want the plate work on the cammo so it looks like the real thing
how is the best to do this?

m8...1 st you probably need a template of a spit...I cant help here as i am a spitfiend..hehe...but i could help u with tips on weathering and cammo stuff....

1 far it looks promising :applause:...what program do u use..Photoshop? ...
2ndly...from what I see you need to do is to get rivets and lines in order, then cammo, shadowing and highlights....last weathering...
3 rd go to simmerpaintshop...check out their tutorials....+their forum...
this forum is sorta off topic for the stuff you are asking...I can help do this via PM...or mail...

be specific in what you want,that way its easier to help with answers..
ok m8

m8...1 st you probably need a template of a spit...I cant help here as i am a spitfiend..hehe...but i could help u with tips on weathering and cammo stuff....

1 far it looks promising :applause:...what program do u use..Photoshop? ...
2ndly...from what I see you need to do is to get rivets and lines in order, then cammo, shadowing and highlights....last weathering...
3 rd go to simmerpaintshop...check out their tutorials....+their forum...
this forum is sorta off topic for the stuff you are asking...I can help do this via PM...or mail...

be specific in what you want,that way its easier to help with answers..
ok m8


I'm using paint net v3.36 i'm already so far with painting that i need to paint the rivets after the cammo i did already so mutch work on this one
i using the standart templaite of the spit of the game CFS3 it self
im about here now, is it possible to add a layer with only the rivets and compres the stuff?


the rear is finished alsow


I'm starting on the right side now

ok....i dont know that program....but

try to soften edges....use layers...and experiment with opacity....
the get the skin more it....againt i am recommending the reading on simmers

i donyt quite understand what u mean by compress???

ok....i dont know that program....but

try to soften edges....use layers...and experiment with opacity....
the get the skin more it....againt i am recommending the reading on simmers

i donyt quite understand what u mean by compress???


with compress i mean that if i have 2 layers in one file at the paint program and you want to save it the program will say on the moment i save it on DDS file that it must be flatten but i dont know if its gonna work but i'm gonna try the sollid repaint is finisched almost so maybe no is it time to go and make some experiments on the rivets, what do you mean with weather it?





weathering means simulating wear, tear, chipsof paint, dirt highs lows and shadows...that will make the skn look real.....chech out the undersider of your skin...see black dirt and different shades of blue/with that emulates real wear and tear...


weathering means simulating wear, tear, chipsof paint, dirt highs lows and shadows...that will make the skn look real.....chech out the undersider of your skin...see black dirt and different shades of blue/with that emulates real wear and tear...



i'm gonna try, any way if i dont get it maybe you can help me with that i want to get this plain of the ground as real ads it gets but euhm i have just installed the ETO expantion its a great theater but i cant play the Late 1940 campain it always get stuck when i'm in the air with an belguim fighter pilot :banghead: lol

but i'm starting over with the repainting of the spit so it's taking longer now because of the weatering and the rivets

i'm gonna try, any way if i dont get it maybe you can help me with that i want to get this plain of the ground as real ads it gets but euhm i have just installed the ETO expantion its a great theater but i cant play the Late 1940 campain it always get stuck when i'm in the air with an belguim fighter pilot :banghead: lol

but i'm starting over with the repainting of the spit so it's taking longer now because of the weatering and the rivets


so i hope this works out this time
its a lot of work to put the rivets where they must be,
alsow the weaterhing is a little bit searching for the right collers


I'm allmost at the the tail here


Here i'm about to finishe the left wing alsow
