need Help with groundcrew He 111 Install



I wanted to Install the groundcrew He 111´s in my cfs3 3.1 (with firepower).
It worked fine, the He 111 appears and flies, but when I close the game and restart it, it crashes.
Please Help me!!:isadizzy:
Check your sound alias - open the sound folder, and open the sound.cfg file with notepad. Check the path is valid and indicates a complete sound file.

Then check you have installed ALL the pylons, weapons and guns to the correct folders.

Meanwhile, to start the sim up again, go into
C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0
and locate uisel.xml. Open it with notepad (make this default) and delete everything between the two quick combat tags, as below:

<preset val="3"/>
<flightModel val="0"/>
<ShowTrueAirspeed val="n"/>
<AircraftStressDamage val="y"/>
<UnlimitedWeapons val="y"/>
<UnlimitedFuel val="y"/>
<AutoRudder val="n"/>
<AutoMixture val="n"/>
<GEffects val="n"/>
<SunGlare val="y"/>
<DisallowTacticalDisplay val="y"/>
<DisallowTargetingHelpers val="y"/>
<DisallowExternalViews val="y"/>
<LimitTagDisplay val="n"/>
<weaponEffectiveness val="2"/>
<PlayerInvincible val="n"/>
<AirbaseID type="string" val="fowe66"/>
<EnemyGroundSkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<EnemySkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<GlobalLayer type="string" val="CFS3Europe1943"/>
<MissionType type="uint" val="0"/>
<Pilot type="uint" val="1"/>
<Position type="uint" val="4"/>
<Season type="uint" val="0"/>
<TacticPosition type="uint" val="2"/>
<Terrain type="string" val="CFS3Europe"/>
<TimeOfDay type="uint" val="1"/>
<WeatherFile type="string" val=""/>
<Aircraft type="string" val="Spitfire IXe"/>
<AmmoPct type="uint" val="100"/>
<FuelPct type="uint" val="100"/>
<Model type="string" val="spitfire_ixe"/>
<PayloadIdx type="uint" val="0"/>
<UseCustomAircraft type="bool" val="y"/>
<Wingmen type="uint" val="1"/>
<Aircraft type="string" val="Bf 109G-6"/>
<Model type="string" val="bf_109g_6"/>
<Quantity type="uint" val="3"/>
<Respawn type="bool" val="y"/>
<Aircraft type="string" val="Ju 88A-4"/>
<Model type="string" val="ju_88a_4"/>
<Quantity type="uint" val="2"/>
<Aircraft type="string" val="B-26G"/>
<Model type="string" val="b_26g"/>

<Aircraft type="string" val="Ju 88A-4"/>
<MissionEnemyGroundSkill type="uint" val="1"/>
<Model type="string" val="ju_88a_4"/>
<AssnFileName type="string" val="CFS3 Mod 1"/>
<FadersList type="string" val=""/>
<ForceFeedBackOn type="bool" val="n"/>

(The whole file isn't here - I only copied the top bit)

This will enable you to restart the sim without a lot of messing about... But until you've sorted out the He111, don't use it!
Hi Rummsfeld,

Nigels right about the sound alise possibly being the cuase. and hes right about the usiel file, but instead of editing it, just delete it.

It wont hurt anything and the game will build a completely new one the next time you start the game.

this avoids further problems should you accidently delete some part of the file other than that listed by Nigel.

regards Rob.
The only thing about deleting it, Rob, is that if you've got an odd set-up (which predictably enough, I have) you have to set it all up again - realism settings, etc. Otherwise, it'll just go to default. My way, you keep your original settings.

If it gets to be a recurrent problem, put a subn-folder into the settings folder with a ready-edited uisel file... Saves hassle... Though you do want to be fixing the problem!
yeah!! thankyou ndicki and captn winters!:jump:
It was the sound.cfg. it just pointed to the wrong ju 88.
what a relief!