Need permission PLEASE HELP


Charter Member
Who do I need to contact to get permission to use a AI standalone I have put together for the Poliesti Missions..
I Have Built a standalone b-17g using the ai_B-17G-80_002 in the ETO SET up,
the standalone is Not exactly the same,
But I Did Use The ETO ai_B-17G-80_002 as the Base for this..

Whom do I contact to get permission so I may Add this to the mission set..At ETO/PTO Group or AVH???
Many suffer from FPS loss with this AVH aircraft in the full model set up.
And the AI will solve this for many..
Full credit for this does belong to whom ever I must contact, I do Not WISH TO OFFEND or Anger anyone..
I have built this for my private set up use..And does not conflict with any other B 17..
But it would help Many if Permitted to be used in the Mission pack..

Thank You,
And Yes this set of missions is growing by the day..
Certainly could have used a less fps intensive B17 when I put together the facility files for the 8th USAAF bases in ETO 1.20.

Suspect Captain Winters would be able to help as he puts together the ETO versions of aircraft and would have had contact with the original modeller.