Need some help


Charter Member
Over the past few weeks, FS9 has been acting strange. For some reason, whenever flying, if I select another aircraft to fly, FS9 crashes, or if it does happen to switch to the aircraft I selected, the gauges will not work. I have tried 3 fresh installs in the last week, and the problem persists. I have also noticed that AFCAD will not list any airports when I use it. This is first for me, I've been using FS9 with Windows 7 for over a year and never had this problem. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
Not a lot to go on, but:
AFCAD is probably not finding your fs9.exe where it has been told to look. You need to go into the AFCAD setup again and direct it to the right path.
Did you remember to add the FS9.0 > FS9.1 upgrade after you made a fresh install? I have caused myself much head-banging by forgetting to do that. :banghead:

I also experienced crashes like yours, when I started using Win7, even though I took great care to install both my FSX and my FS Classic outside the \Program Files\ default location.
These days, FSX is still in C:\FS10\ and my FS Classic now lives on a separate HDD, at G:\FS Classic\. I run the FS Classic in XP3 compatibility mode, and both installs are set to 'Run as Administrator', to stop UAC deciding what I am allowed to do on my own computer.
For years I have been using the free defragger from Auslogics
and when I moved from Win XP to Win7 I was horrified by the mess Win7 seems to make of storing files - it looks to be a complete dog's breakfast, after just a 10 minute flight. In Win XP I defragged every week or so, but in Win7 I routinely defrag before starting either sim, and I no longer get that sort of problem.
Usually, when you put the FS9 installation CD in, if it finds a valid installation, it will ask, 'do you want to repair or uninstall?' Did you see that at any stage?

Good luck, hope some of this helps.
Just my 0.02 but most all my CTDs were caused by an errant gauge, but with the strange way W7 works with FS9 here are my thoughts. I had to hunt to find the FS9.CFG in Local Disk C:/users/your name/AppData/roaming/Microsoft/FS9. I have learned that the game has a memory of sorts and if all remnants are not removed, a reinstall may retain part of an original problem. So when you reinstalled, did you delete the FS9 folder, as well as any saved flights? Might be worth a try.
Aeromed202 nailed it on the head... pretty much. This little feature of "memory" after the fact is also characteristic of CFS2. I can think of countless times I had problems with a new install before I realized that ALL of the original had to be uninstalled, including saved missions, add-on planes and scenery and whatnot.

If you have the FS9 patch installed from Microsoft, that needs to be un-installed first, then any saved flights, add-on planes, scenery, etc... next. Then run the un-installer for FS9 and like it was suggested... delete the FS9 folder from the HD. Verify everything is gone, go through your "All Programs" list from the start tab, make sure there is nothing left there in the way of planes or scenery files. If there are, use the "Add/Remove Programs" utility in the Control Panel and delete them that way. Go back to the start tab and verify the stragglers are all gone, then go to C:/users/your name/AppData/roaming/Microsoft, and make sure there is NOTHING left for FS9.

The final step would be to run a registry clean-up with a program like CCleaner. It's free and it works really well to get any errant entries out of the register that were associated with your "now deleted" FS9.

It work for me, and my latest install works even better than the original. I have Win7 installed on both my machines. Just my 2 bits.

Glad things are back to good, and thanks for the detailed reply. I'm sure it will help others on the same ropes.:banghead:----->:biggrin-new:
Thanks for all the suggestions, it was appreciated :) . I got FS9 back and working. The problem with AFCAD was it had to be directed to to folder that the FS9.EXE file was located.