Need Some Sirius Help !


Charter Member 2014
Picked up Chris' "Sirius" tonight and downloaded to FS9.......fired up the sim, but no "Sirius" ! ( The "Air Express" went in without a problem).

Started digging around the FS9/aircraft files and found 4 folders that appear to belong to the Sirius : model, texture, panel and sound.

Should I put these into a new folder called Sirius and then put that into the FS9/ aircraft file ?? Thanks,
L.D. :friday:
Make sure the config, file and Air file are there for it to. Check for Gauges also, might be so effects for it to. Some times its good to run those to a temp. folder. then manually plase them in.

Marvin Carter
Hey Luckydog

That sounds like a hickup in the installer, Worked for me and others but I'll re check it to make sure. If you found all the folders, cfg file and airfile just make a folder named Sirius and move those files into it.
Sorry for the trouble.

Thanks Gentlemen !!

Found all the files, stuck 'em into a new folder, and there she was !!:applause:
Took her around the neighborhood and, man, is she a sweetheart !!
Another excellent job Chris !! :ernae:
Thanks Glenn....not sure what went wrong but I tested and everything was good on my end. Just one of those things I guess:banghead:
Glad you like it and enjoy flying..............Merry Christmas
