Needed: How to install OFF on Vista 64 Bit



I promise not to start my ... XP ... rant, I'm set. But there a few others who aren't.

And all the NEW Gaming Rigs, come in Vista 64 ... Why? Got Me :kilroy:
I'm at work at the moment. But I'll log on tonight and jot down what I can remember of the Vista 64 bit install process if noone else has done it by then. :wavey:
If you're talking OFF Phase 3 installs - no worries - the installer takes care of everything for XP or Vista.
Just finished installing OFF Phase 2 onto my Vista 64 rig, and these are the additional steps I had to take above an beyond the standard install process.

Most important: Run every installer - including the CFS3 installer - as administrator. Right click on the item and select Run as administrator. This single step resolves most of the install problems I ran across when first trying to get this beastie going .

Once CFS3 is installed, when you run it that first time... change the video settings to your preferred ones then. Before installing OFF. OFF seems to import those settings during the install. At least it did for me.

Once OFF and all the updates are installed, select the shortcut for OFF and in the compatibility tab select XP compatability mode, and down the bottom - run as administrator.

After all that, the beastie should run. I had to register the visual basic dll as well, but theres instructions for that on Polovskis site I think. Hope that helps.
One big thing that helps,

Go to Control Panel, Go to User Accounts, and turn User Account Control (UAC) off. Have yey to have to run anything as Adminstrator after doing this. And I don't have windows asking 10,000 times if I really want to do this.

Also, this helps for Vista users to tweak Vista's configuration to get more out of it than the stock settings. Also some XP tweaks here too. I used it alot at first when I installed XP on my old rig.

Gimpyguy, most likely the shift to 64 bit, is the ammount of memory supported. Even my little Home Premium version will allow a max of 16GBs of ram. And the Ultimate version will let you go up to 128 GBs. Even though I don't know of any ram out there that comes in 4 gig sticks or higher yet, but it isn't too far off I'm guessing.

The shift to Vista, is purely business. Develope a new OS, and quit supporting the old one, so you have money coming in, or you go the way of the dinosaur. I liked XP once I got used to it, but I liked 98se the best for ease of tweaking and stability. At least the shift from XP to Vista wasn't as much a culture shock as it was going from 98se to XP. That was a struggle. It really isn't that far removed from XP, and it only took a couple days to get used to, compared to the weeks I struggled when I first got XP.

I just didn't care for the stock Vista setup with all the automated features B. Gates and company think you should have running initially, but I guess that's done for the home user that wants to turn it on, and not have to mess with stuff, or even cares about what's running on boot up.
Hello everyone,:ernae:

I managed to install OFF P2 on my new vista x64 ultimate rig, and to transfer pilots' records and a couple of add-ons from my former XP OFF P2 install to my new Vista x64 install. Everything seems to work fine so far, except that when I launch OFFManager, I systematically have a small window pop-up, with the following error message:

Run-time error "429": ActiveX can't create object

I can play normally after I click OK, but is kind of annoying. Any fix/idea to fix this issue for Vista x64 users?

Thanks in advance,

I get that error too... never figured out how to get rid of it, and to be honest, I never tried that hard. As far as I can tell, it doesnt affect the game play at all.

Roll on phase 3 with its automatic installer. :applause:
No you can't fix it as far as we know, it doesn't matter just ignore it.

Phase 3 is designed to install and run in Vista 32 and 64.
Phase 2 was designed before Vista appeared.
Hey guys, I think the 429 ActiveX error has to do with the ingame movies. If you go to your OFF Directory on the hard drive, and right click on the OFF exe file, and go to properties, in theProperties Window, go to the Compatability Tab, and set it run under XP with whatever service pack is offerred, it may stop the annoying error message. After reloading the game, I did this immediately, and the movies play fine, ingame and I haven't had it pop up in so long I forgot I used to have it happen.

The other thing you can try is the latest video drivers for your graphics card. Nvidia's are the 180.48's which work fine for OFF, but I do not know which ones are the lateset for the ATI graphics cards.

Hope this helps!
I know TrackIR just came out with updated software to run on "Vista" but will TrackIR run on Vista 64 or just Vista 32? Couldn't find it on their site.
Here's a nice article on Vista that I found at another forum. It is very good reading and dispells many myths and misplaced or just downfight wrong assumptions many people have had about the OS.

Hope it helps others understand the OS better, and at the end of the article is a good briefing on what Windows 7 is going to be all about. Those who have hung on to XP like I did with 98se, may have a more difficult time adapting to Windows 7 like I did to XP as I passed up Win 2000. It was a rough first month, as I had to retrain myself to the format of XP, which was a world apart from 98se.
Windows 7 anyone...?

Hi; just to throw another carrot in the pot; anyone tried windows 7 beta yet? Supposed to be Vista sans BS; me wonders if OFF p3 will be happy with it. I'm hoping to skip that flabby bureacratic OS that is Vista, and go straight to 'Windows 7' or whatever corporate tag it gets called ,( and hopefully a 64 bit version ). Anyone got any pearls of wisdom on this next windows reincarnation?:typing:
Apparently it's already faster than Vista and XP in one test I read they benchmarked all sorts of things, unpacking zips, rendering video etc, and it's only beta. If they don't mess up should be good.
For any running Vista 32 or 64 that don't like the idea of turning off UAC but hate the pop-up idiot questions (are you REALLY REALLY REALLY SURE you want to run this?) there is a nifty little program I use called TweakUAC that lets you run in "Quiet" mode. Still have the security of UAC but no nags..

Oh, and for P3 there is a special thing you need to do for Vista 64..............NOTHING! You press the install button and go!