Nek problems



I just downloaded the NEK file, and Cfs3 wouldn't turn on. When I tried to turned it on, it would go to the small screen, and then when you would expect it to go to the full screen, it would just abort. I un-installed it and now I get this message: buttons abort it. This is the same for all ETO, MAW, PTO, and KS. I have not downloaded anything before or since this problem happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
I cannot give you the answer on how to solve this problem, installing new stuff can be tricky.

I've never experienced this error myself but had to deal with major crashes myself. Sadly the only thing to do was to uninstall every install I had, install a new CFS 3 and when it's still clean re-installed MAW and ETO....

Every big addon has it's own NEK and they are not compatible. The NEK you've downloaded and installed is probably for the stock CFS 3.

When you decide to re-install you should read the readme files carefully, in the NEK readme there's also a file telling you which xml or xdp files you should delete and where to locate those files

I'm sure when the holidays are over more specialized members will jump on this thread, hope you will get the help you need

Hi Smoores,

Inside your main ETO install folder can you still see a file called game.xml

if so open it (with note pad) and compare the content with what i have posted below.

I think during teh uninstall process, it may have cleared all the game.xml files from each of your CFS3 installs.

also check to see if you have the game.xml file in your stock CFS3 install and compare to what I post right at teh botttom.

If this is the case I can zip up each of the required files and send them to you, this may avoid a re-intsall.

regards Rob.

PS nice mni sprint car in your avitar photo, yours?

ETO game.xml file content
<General MaxBullets="120" PlayerInAIMode="false" CanExpandFacilities="true" CanSpawnFormations="true" DefaultMission="" EnvMap="" CubeEnvMap="" VolFogMap="fogmap.tga" Skybox="clouds" LightColor_R="255" LightColor_G="255" LightColor_B="255" LightAmbient_R="64" LightAmbient_G="64" LightAmbient_B="64" LightHorizAngle="-45.0" LightVertAngle="45.0" FogColor_R="200" FogColor_G="200" FogColor_B="200" DetailObjTex="detail.tga" VolFogBottom="0.0f" VolFogTop="50.0f" ShowResLoad="1" DefaultTheatre="CFS3Europe" DefaultGSL="CFS3Europe1943" SingleMissionCampaign="nek_ETO.xml" ShowUIWorld="true"/>

CFS3 game.xml file content
<General MaxBullets="120" PlayerInAIMode="false" CanExpandFacilities="true" CanSpawnFormations="true" DefaultMission="" EnvMap="" CubeEnvMap="" VolFogMap="fogmap.tga" Skybox="clouds" LightColor_R="255" LightColor_G="255" LightColor_B="255" LightAmbient_R="64" LightAmbient_G="64" LightAmbient_B="64" LightHorizAngle="-45.0" LightVertAngle="45.0" FogColor_R="200" FogColor_G="200" FogColor_B="200" DetailObjTex="detail.tga" VolFogBottom="0.0f" VolFogTop="50.0f" ShowResLoad="1" DefaultTheatre="CFS3Europe" DefaultGSL="CFS3Europe1943" SingleMissionCampaign="Fortress Europa.xml" ShowUIWorld="true"/>
Thank you very much, I checked the game.xml on ETO and everything matched up. However, it appears that while uninstalling NEK, it deleted the game.xml in my main CFS3 folder. Is there a way I can reinstall it?

And no, I wish that was my sprint car, right now I can only afford dirt kart racing, but its the same track.
Hi Smoores,

to get your game.xml file back into yoru stock CFS3 you can do the following,

take a copy of your ETO game.xml file and put it in your CFS3 directory,

then open that file using note pad, and copy what I have put in below into the game.xml file and close it, saving as you go.

this will give yo back your stcok CFS3 game.xml file.

or send me a PM with your email and I will send you a copy.

Dirt cart racing, sounds like a lot of fun, I'm also fond of racing on dirt, but rallying not oval track.

regards Rob.

Copy thgis to your game.xml file overwriting all previous content.

<General MaxBullets="120" PlayerInAIMode="false" CanExpandFacilities="true" CanSpawnFormations="true" DefaultMission="" EnvMap="" CubeEnvMap="" VolFogMap="fogmap.tga" Skybox="clouds" LightColor_R="255" LightColor_G="255" LightColor_B="255" LightAmbient_R="64" LightAmbient_G="64" LightAmbient_B="64" LightHorizAngle="-45.0" LightVertAngle="45.0" FogColor_R="200" FogColor_G="200" FogColor_B="200" DetailObjTex="detail.tga" VolFogBottom="0.0f" VolFogTop="50.0f" ShowResLoad="1" DefaultTheatre="CFS3Europe" DefaultGSL="CFS3Europe1943" SingleMissionCampaign="Fortress Europa.xml" ShowUIWorld="true"/>