Hi Smoores,
to get your game.xml file back into yoru stock CFS3 you can do the following,
take a copy of your ETO game.xml file and put it in your CFS3 directory,
then open that file using note pad, and copy what I have put in below into the game.xml file and close it, saving as you go.
this will give yo back your stcok CFS3 game.xml file.
or send me a PM with your email and I will send you a copy.
Dirt cart racing, sounds like a lot of fun, I'm also fond of racing on dirt, but rallying not oval track.
regards Rob.
Copy thgis to your game.xml file overwriting all previous content.
<General MaxBullets="120" PlayerInAIMode="false" CanExpandFacilities="true" CanSpawnFormations="true" DefaultMission="" EnvMap="panoramic_cubic_test.dds" CubeEnvMap="panoramic_cubic_test.dds" VolFogMap="fogmap.tga" Skybox="clouds" LightColor_R="255" LightColor_G="255" LightColor_B="255" LightAmbient_R="64" LightAmbient_G="64" LightAmbient_B="64" LightHorizAngle="-45.0" LightVertAngle="45.0" FogColor_R="200" FogColor_G="200" FogColor_B="200" DetailObjTex="detail.tga" VolFogBottom="0.0f" VolFogTop="50.0f" ShowResLoad="1" DefaultTheatre="CFS3Europe" DefaultGSL="CFS3Europe1943" SingleMissionCampaign="Fortress Europa.xml" ShowUIWorld="true"/>