Nemeth Designs - Partenavia P68B Victor

I fixed the title.

And if I may ask, what were the deficiencies?

Here’s what I outlined in an email to them, which they acknowledged this morning:

Ground Handling - The nose wheel animation seems to not fully reflect the rudder pedal position, causing the aircraft to look like it is sliding around on the ground when turning at low speeds.

Ground Handling 2 - The aircraft picks up speed on the ground at idle.

Center of Gravity - with just a pilot and copilot the CG is well out of position and when moving it manually the aircraft tilts backwards. It seems to be out of position by default.

Prop Levers - They move but seem to have zero effect on gauges or in flight on prop speed.

Sounds - extremely quiet. Can the interior and especially exterior sound volume be increased significantly?

GPS - The GNS430 is illuminated with green labels (as if at night) even during the day with the battery off. Can the GPS letters be illuminated in accordance with panel lighting? NOTE: By manually editing the panel.cfg, the Working Title (WT) GNS430 seems to work just fine too.
That's excellent feedback, I'm sure Nemeth will issue an update pretty soon. Here in the UK, the National Police Air Service have four of these and they're all based at an airport 16 miles from my house. Last year I heard the unmistakable sound of a BN-2 Islander circling overhead and looked up to see something similar, but not quite right... it was a police P68! They use the same engines as the Islander, so if you like the Islander, there's a pretty good chance you'll like the P68 too - they're a similar vintage, after all.