
Happy Birthday

~S~ a,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2:birthday2

hahaha, thanks guys ^_^

Yup, Happy Birthday sir. :friday:

Er, wait... no drinking for you young man.

Well, ok, no buying for you anyway. :icon_lol:

Have a good one!
haha, i can always go to cananda if i wanted to drink.
although i never have drank before
In the college setting, 21 is the "buying age"... :kilroy:
lol, like i said. i never drank so i don't know what i can hold. :isadizzy:

~S~ All,

Is it me or does Skyferret seem like a guy with to much time on his hands? You are a real party animal.

Skyferret seem like a guy with to much time on his hands
To me, Johnny, it looks more like beer in his hands...:kilroy:

... but if you want to call it "time", so be it, although I would call it "good time" myself. :ernae::friday:
P.S.- BTW, don't believe those who tell you that beer taste like p:censored:s unless you have evidence that they tasted both...:toilet:
haha, yea. i meant beer. the last time i tried was at my open house and it was one drink.